Prime Time 1, Workbook

Check out This was my birthday party Fill in the correct forms of the past tense. My last birthday  was 1   great. I  2   a lot of presents from my friends and from my family. And I  3   a great party. The week before the party I 4   invitations to some of my friends, and I  5   some others on their mobiles. Everybody  6   to come. We  7  my birthday at home. My parents  8   me to decorate the living room with balloons. And my mum  9   cupcakes for everybody. It  10  at three o’clock in the afternoon. But the best moment was when my parents 11   me a little puppy. I was so happy that I  12   my grandma to tell her all about him. His name is Brooklyn. He is so sweet. And then everyone 13   “Happy Birthday” – a perfect day. Past tense questions and negations Make questions and answers. 1. Did they all sing “Happy Birthday”? –  No, they did not. They didn’t sing “Happy Birthday”. 2. What did you get for your birthday? I  •  a new mobile  •  get  3. make  •  your grandma  •  cake  •  for you  •  ?  No, she didn’t. She didn’t have time. 4. Did you see your father at the weekend? No, I didn’t. time  •  not  •  have  •  he  5. What  •  give  •  her  •  you  •  as  •  a present  •  ?  I gave her a new book on her favourite band. 6  l m n I can complete short texts in the past tense. Ich kann kurze Texte in der Past tense vervollständigen. 7  l m n I can form questions and negative sentences in the past tense. Ich kann Fragen und verneinte Sätze in der Past tense bilden. celebrate have call give get help text post sing want start make is 76 13 Unit Birthdays l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. seventy-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv