Prime Time 1, Workbook

Hi Clara, how was the party? Read the dialogue and fill in the right forms of the past tense. Ben: Hi Clara, tell me about Christopher’s party at the weekend. Clara: Hi Ben, it  was 1   (be) awful. There  2   (be) a lot of people, but the music  3   (be) really bad. Ben: Who else was there? Clara: There  4   (be) some of my friends from school but they  5   (not, talk) to me. They only  6   (talk) to each other. Ben: Did you bring a present? Clara: Yes, I did, but I don’t think Christopher  7   (like) it. He said “Thank you,” but he  8   (not, smile). Ben: Was Robin there as well? Clara: No, he  9   (not, come). He  10   (be) ill and had to stay in bed. Ben: So the party  11   (be) really boring for you? Clara: Yes, that’s right. That was the reason I  12   (not, stay) very long. Ben: And did you go home straight away? Clara: No, I didn’t. I  13   (get) a message from my friends, and so I 14   (play) volleyball with them in the park. That 15   (be) nice. – And what did you do? Ben: I  16   (not, do) much. I  17   (stay) at home, and I  18   (want) to help my mum in the garden. But then my granny  19   (call) me on my mobile, and so I 20   (go) to see her. That was all I did. 4  74 Revision seventy-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigen um des Verlags öbv