Prime Time 1, Workbook

Working with words How to practise vocabulary a) Look at the grid below and write five more (new) words. What other words come to your mind when you read the words “weather”, “months” and “ordinal numbers”? How long does it take you to complete the grid? Use your phone and see how much time you need. WEATHER MONTHS ORDINAL NUMBERS rain May third Time:   seconds Time:   seconds Time:   seconds b) Now check the words in your coursebook (  coursebook p. 87 and vocabulary p. 170) and make sure your words in the grid are correct. How many words are correct? 15 –14: Excellent l l 13 –12: Good work l 11–10: Okay! m  9 – 8: You need to practise more n 7– 0: Do this exercise one more time n n My score is:  c) Look at the word below. Think of one more word for each letter of the word “weather”. If you want to, you can use the vocabulary list in your coursebook. S E W E A T H E R S O N 8  64 11 Unit Stormy weather sixty-four CB p.87, 170 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv