Prime Time 1, Workbook

The weather around the year The months of the year Fill in the missing letters. Then match the sentence halves and write the numbers and words. 1. J a n u a r y 2. e b u a r y 3. M r h 4. A r l 5. a y 6. J u n 7. J l 8. A u u t 9. S p e m b e r 10. c t o e r 11. N o e b e 12. D e e m e r 7 11 1 3 9 5 is the fourth month of the year. is the   month of the year. is the   month of the year. is the  first  month of the year. is the tenth month of the year. is the    month of the year. is the   month of the year. is the twelfth month of the year. is the second month of the year. is the   month of the year. is the eighth month of the year. is the sixth month of the year. Clara and the weather Read the text about Clara and her family. Fill in the words from the box. My favourite season is  winter 1  . In winter it’s usually very  2   and we can go skiing, but last year winter was really bad. It was very foggy and rainy. My dad’s favourite season is  3   because he loves planting new flowers. He doesn’t like it when it’s 4   because the wind ruins all his flowers. My mum’s favourite season is 5  because she loves the hot and  6   weather. My brother’s favourite season is  7   because he likes to see the leaves falling from the trees. Well, I don’t like that. I think  8   weather is horrible. 3  4  winter  •  cold  •  windy  •  summer autumn  •  sunny  •  spring  •  cloudy 62 11 Unit Stormy weather sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv