Prime Time 1, Workbook

Check out What is Aunt Nancy like? a) Fill in the verbs that tell you what Aunt Nancy does or doesn’t do . like touch play bring open look want Our Aunt Nancy is a nosy person. She  wants 1   to know everything. She  2   into every room. She  3   all the boxes and cupboards. She  4   all our toys. She  5   us sweets. She  6   games with us. She  7   us. b) Fill in the verbs that tell you what the children do or don’t do . like make hide want play They sometimes  play 1   tricks on her. They  2   funny noises to frighten her. They often  3   in the wardrobe or under the bed. They  4   to see her in their bedrooms. They 5   her at all. Pippa’s room a) Look at the picture and highlight the six mistakes in the text. In Pippa’s room there is a bed with a cool crocodile on it. She has got a new bathtub in front of the window with a TV and a lamp on her desk. Her schoolbag is under the chair in front of the desk. She has got lots of school things in her room. On the wall there is a lovely poster with a pony in it. There is no carpet, but it is a friendly and very tidy room. b) Write the correct text in your exercise book. 11  l m n I can complete a text about what people usually do and don’t do. Ich kann einen Text über das Verhalten von Menschen vervollständigen. 12  l m n I can compare a text with a picture, and I can correct mistakes. Ich kann einen Text mit einem Bild vergleichen und Fehler richtigstellen. 53 9 Unit At home l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. fifty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv