Prime Time 1, Workbook

Focus on vocabulary: Things in your home Complete the words from the coursebook p. 72, task 2. The letters in the squares make up the solution. 1. b  5 11 2. 12  h  4 6  r 3. 1 i  c  r o  w  10 v e 4. s  3 5. 2  i  9  t 6.  o  8 7 Solution:  m Focus on form: What you like doing – What you can do in the house a) Write at least five different meaningful sentences with the elements given below. Use all the rooms from the grid. I My sister My brother My mum My dad like, likes, love, loves, hate, hates, don’t, doesn’t, can, can’t cook, cooking, do, doing, play, playing, watch, watching, eat, eating spaghetti, pizza, video games, homework, TV, the washing-up, football in the kitchen in the bathroom in the bedroom in the hall in the living room b) Write at least five more sentences in your exercise book. My brother loves to play … . 7  m a 8  51 Revision fifty-one CB p.72 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv