Prime Time 1, Workbook

Check out Reading: Children and their health problems Read the text about the children’s problems. Then tick  the correct tip for each of them. Marietta always stays up late. She watches a lot of video clips on the internet, and she likes playing video games for four or five hours a day. In the morning she is very tired and her head hurts. Olivia doesn’t eat breakfast in the morning. Later at school she gets hungry and thirsty. She can’t concentrate during the lessons, and her stomach really hurts. Pete loves listening to loud music. He also plays the drums and the electric guitar, but he doesn’t wear ear protectors. In the evening his ears hurt a lot. Timothy is a very chatty boy. He likes talking a lot, and he always speaks in a very loud voice. He often gets a sore throat. 1. Marietta shouldn’t be on the internet.  stay up so late. 2. Olivia should have a healthy breakfast. eat some snacks. 3. Pete should turn down the volume. stop making music. 4. Timothy shouldn’t talk to his friends. talk all the time. Language in use: Our stomachs hurt! Match the sentences. 1. Mary’s feet hurt. His dad’s head hurts because he always stays up late and watches TV. 2. Joe’s fingers hurt. Their ears hurt because they always listen to loud music. 3. Stephen and Dave’s ears hurt. 1 Her feet hurt because she always plays football without shoes. 4. Dario’s dad has got a headache. Our stomachs hurt because we always eat a lot of sweets in the evening. 5. My mum’s and my stomachs hurt. His fingers hurt because he always plays video games and types on his laptop. 8  l m n I can understand short texts about health and give advice. Ich kann kurze Texte über Gesundheit verstehen und dazu Tipps geben. 9  l m n I can understand and match statements about people’s health. Ich kann Aussagen über Gesundheit verstehen und zuordnen. 47 8 Unit You and your body l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. forty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv