Prime Time 1, Workbook

Talking about your body and health Focus on form: What’s wrong with you? Read the mini dialogues below and complete them. 1. Dave: This is my brother. He always eats candy and now he doesn’t feel well. He  has 1   got stomach ache. Doctor: Oh, really. Then he should drink peppermint tea and eat more fruit and vegetables, not sweets. 2. Maya: I’ve got a problem. There  2   something wrong with my throat, it hurts so much. Doctor: Ah, you  3   got a sore throat. Then you should drink a lot of tea with honey! 3. Mum: These  4   my sons Joe and Paul. They both feel very hot. Doctor: Let me have a look. Well, they both  5   a high temperature. They should stay in bed and rest. 4. Dad: This  6   my daughter Louise. She  7   got very bad earache. I think she is sick. Doctor: Hmm. Let me see. Yes, she  8  . Louise, I think you should stay in bed for three days. Focus on form: Moodley, the monster a) Read the story below and fill in the gaps with and , but or because . This is my monster. His name is Moodley  and 1   he lives alone. Moodley is a very nice monster, 2   he hasn’t got any friends. His favourite free time activity is eating noodles 3   noodles are his favourite food. His head is yellow. He only has got one red eye, 4   he has got four pink ears. His mouth is very small,  5   his nose is really big. Moodley has got two green arms  6   he has got two blue legs. His arms are very long, 7   his legs are very, very short. He has got twelve fingers on each hand  8   fifteen toes on each foot. b) Draw your monster. Then write a text in your exercise book and answer the questions below. Start like this: My monster’s name is … 1. What’s your monster’s name? 2. What’s your monster’s favourite food? 3. What colour is your monster’s hair? 4. What colour are his/her arms and legs? 5. How many fingers/toes does your monster have? 6. What about mouth, lips, eyes and ears? 5  6  45 Revision forty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv