Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Dialogue 1 Travel agent: Hello, how can I help you? Customer: Hello, we would like to go to Scotland in the summer. Travel agent: 1 Customer: Well, we would like to fly to Edinburgh, if possible. Travel agent: Of course. When would you like to go, and how many tickets do you need? Customer: W e would like to leave around July 15 and stay there for two weeks. We need four tickets. Travel agent: (looks at screen) : 2 Customer: N ot really; we would like to travel around the country and stay in different bed and breakfasts. Travel agent: Then I can recommend some car rentals. Here is our brochure … Dialogue 2 Travel agent: So, you would like to go to Croatia, you said. Customer: Y es, exactly. We would like to stay at a hotel at the sea for two weeks. Travel agent: How would you like to travel? Customer: 3 Travel agent: I would recommend the train to Rijeka, and then you could take a ferry to one of the smaller islands – we have some excellent all-inclusive resorts directly at the beach. Customer: 4 Travel agent: The train takes 10 hours to Rijeka. You would avoid any traffic jams and could enjoy the landscape. Also, it is a much cheaper option than the car. Customer: I hadn’t really thought about that … let me talk to my friend and get back to you. Travel agent: Of course … b) Act out the dialogues with a partner. c) Write a similar dialogue at the travel agency together with a partner. Listening: At the airport Listen to the announcements and fill in the missing information. 1. The 7:15 flight to Paris is delayed by 1 . 2. Passengers travelling to Cairo should go to boarding gate 2 . 3. This is the final boarding call for flight 3 to London. Anja and Stephan Werner are asked to go to 4 immediately. 4. Priority boarding for flight OS 051 to 5 starts now. 5. The local time in Santiago de Chile is 6 and the temperature is 7 degrees C. 5 1.1 b37hv9 9 1 nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv