Prime Time 4, Coursebook

What’s what? Match the descriptions with the names. There is one you do not need. 1 m38n8d Going abroad New things • Different ways of travelling • Blog: Ally’s WWOOFing experience • Talking about preferences • At the airport Unit 1 Travelling while carrying the things you need packed in a rucksack. It may include adventures in nature and sleeping in tents. A You want to stay somewhere for free instead of paying for a hotel or apartment? Then this kind of “surfing” might be for you! People on this internet platform offer a room or even their couch to travellers. C A trip that you take in or around Europe using mostly the train. This rail pass allows you to travel in most European countries. D A type of volunteer work for people travelling to other countries to help and live on organic farms. B WWOOFing C couchsurfing Interrail backpacking Have you ever travelled …? a) Tick the boxes that describe your travel experiences. Then ask your partner. by plane by car by boat by train by bike Where to? b) Report back to the class and talk about your partner’s travel experiences. Judith has travelled to Italy and Switzerland by car, but she has never travelled by plane. 2 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Where did you travel to? Have you ever travelled by plane? A way of travelling that lets you enjoy your trip together with your dog. Special hotels offer special beds and food not only to you, but also to your four-legged friend! E 7 seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv