Prime Time 4, Coursebook
Grammar Unit 2 Past perfect tense We use the past perfect tense when a past action was over BEFORE another action started. We use the past perfect tense for the 1 st action and the past simple tense for the 2 nd action. The film had started when I got to the cinema. 1 st action: film had started á á 2 nd action: I got to the cinema After we had eaten the fish, we started to feel ill. By the time we got to the theatre, it had already closed . Karen looked very tired because she had slept badly. I didn’t want to go to Vienna because I had been there before. The fish was gone . Had the cat eaten it? My friend didn’t reply to my message because he hadn’t seen it. Unit 3 Reporting what someone says in the present Present tense is often used to report a conversation that is still going on, for example if someone is having a phone call or is reading a letter aloud. In this case, the tense of the reported sentence doesn’t change. Reporting verbs: to say (that), to add (that), to explain to sb. (that), to tell sb. (that), to describe to sb. (that), to think (that), to point out (that) Direct speech “The weather here is great.” “We went to a national park yesterday.” “I ’d love to go there again.” “My English has improved a lot.” Reported speech He says that the weather there is great. He tells us that they went to a national park yesterday. Tom says that he ’d love to go there again. He explains that his English has improved a lot. G1 " p. 17 G2 " p. 25 The weather here is great. Listen, Sarah! Tom says that the weather there is great. 136 Grammar Your unXpected Xperience a) Take the quiz to find out which unXpected Xperience fits you best. Circle your answers and count the points. 1 6j2sf3 Going to the limit New things • Extreme sports • Reporting offers, suggestions, orders • Reporting questions • Writing a note • Extreme jobs • Stress and being healthy Unit 4 b) Talk about what you know about these extreme sports with your partner. c) Listen to the radio ad. Would you like to try “your” unXpected Xperience? Tell your partner. 1.9 7y39zf Word bank afraid of heights • equipment • feel the adrenaline • high speed • land safely • practise tricks • ready for a challenge • special experience • strong and fit • take risks • test your limits W Question 2: What do you like about feeling the adrenaline? • It makes me feel strong. (2) • It helps against feeling bored. (1) • I like to feel the danger. (3) Question 3: When was the last time you did something dangerous? • yesterday (3) • last year (1) • a month ago (2) Are you an adventure freak? An adrenaline junkie? Do you like speed and heights? Are you strong and fit? Find out which unXpected Xperience is for you! Question 1: How often have you done things others would call extreme? • more than 20 times (3) • once or twice (1) • about ten times (2) Question 4: Have you done extreme sports before? • Yes, regularly. (3) • Yes, a few times. (2) • No, but I would like to try one. (1) How many points did you get? Where would you like to Xperience something unXpected? 4 points in the city: tree top climbing high up : paragliding in the water : jet skiing 5–9 points in the city: aggressive in-line skating high up: mountainboarding in the water: white-water rafting 10–12 points in the city: parkour high up: bungee jumping in the water: freediving 31 thirty-one Vocabulary Going abroad abroad !E*brC"d? Are you going to travel abroad this summer? im/ins Ausland 1 rucksack !*r0ksxk? Carry the things you need in a rucksack . Rucksack (der) volunteer work !vOlEn*tIE? We could do volunteer work on a farm. ehrenamtliche Arbeit (die) organic farm !C"gxnIk *fA"m? They help on organic farms . Biobauernhof (der) for free !fE *fri"? Stay here for free instead of paying for a hotel! gratis, kostenlos apartment !E*pA"tmEnt? I don’t want to pay for a hotel or apartment . Wohnung (die) a kind of sth. !kaInd? This kind of “surfing” might be for you! Art (die) to offer sth. !*OfE? People offer a room to travellers. anbieten, bieten even !i"vn? They even offer travellers their couch. sogar rail pass !*reIl pA"s? This rail pass allows you to travel in most European countries. Bahnpass (der) not only …but also !nOt *EUnli b0t *C"lsEU? These special hotels are not only for people but also for dogs! nicht nur … sondern auch four-legged !fC"*legId? They have beds for your four-legged friend. vierbeinig WWOOfing !*wUfIN? WWOOfing is a cheap way to stay in another country. Arbeit auf einer Farm für Unterkunft und Verpflegung couchsurfing !*kaUtS s3"fIN? He saved a lot of money by doing couchsurfing . Couchsurfing (das) Interrail !*IntEreIl? Many young Europeans do Interrail trips. Interrail Unit 1 Englische Laute Konsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morni ng !A"? f a ther !aI? I , m y !r? r ed !0? b u t !aU? no w , h ou se !s? thi s !e? p e n !eE? th ere , p air !z? i s !E? a sist er !eI? n a me, th ey !Z? televi si on !3"? g ir l !IE? h ere , id ea !dZ? pa ge !x? fl a t !CI? b oy !S? sh e !I? i t !EU? hell o !tS? ch air !i? happ y !UE? s ure !D? th e !i"? t ea cher, sh e !T? th anks !O? g o t Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? v ideo !C"? b a ll !*? Die folgende Silbe trägt die stärkste Betonung im Wort. !w? w ow, o ne !U? b oo k !u"? t oo , t wo Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b?, !j?, !l? usw. Abkürzungen AE American English pl. plural etw. etwas BE British English sb. somebody jmdm. jemandem coll. colloquial (= umgangssprachlich) sth. something jmdn. jemanden Words in green: basic vocabulary Words in blue: additional vocabulary Words in black: advanced vocabulary g4m6b4 Alphabetisches Vokabular 9pp7up Vokabular zu Unit 16 147 one hundred and forty-seven Let the journey begin Travel vocabulary a) Unscramble the travel vocabulary. Use page 8 in your coursebook if you need help. A B C sreupdaert departures mja crfafit orpaltmf D E F yrialwa tinosat rkutn ryrfe G H I burrhao gulgaeg ivarlsar b) Ian and Sofie are talking about their school trip to France. Use some of the words from above to complete the dialogue below. Ian: Hi Sofie! Have you already packed all your 1 for tomorrow? Sofie: Of course! I’m always a bit nervous before a journey … Ian: Why? What could possibly go wrong? Sofie: Well, on the way to the airport we could get stuck 1 in a 2 , and then I’d miss the flight! Ian: Hm, take the train then! Sofie: Are you crazy? Even more could happen on our way to the 3 ! And then if I don’t find the right 4 , I’ll miss the train and then, of course, I’ll miss … Ian: Okay, okay, wait, wait! Just order 2 an airport taxi then! Sofie: I suppose, that’s the best option … (thinks) Ian: Just make sure your luggage is really in the 5 ! (laughs) Sofie: What!?! 1 1 to get stuck – stecken bleiben 2 to order – rufen, bestellen 3 Unit 1 Going abroad three l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Reading and listening: Ready for an adventure? a) Some teenagers are looking for a holiday to go on. First read the ad. 8 b) Listen to the dialogues. Which holiday is best for which teenagers? Match a holiday with a dialogue. Write the number of the dialogue in the green box. There are two holidays which do not match. Writing: A note to Joshua Your cousin, Joshua, has checked in to the Xcellent RelaXation camp. You’ve decided to write him a short note (80 words). In your note, you … • ask him how he likes the camp, • ask him what activities he can do there, • ask him how he’s feeling now, • wish him a nice stay. 1.13 6t859z l m n I can understand details in short dialogues. 9 l m n I can write a short note to a person staying at a special camp. Are you afraid you might be bored in your holidays? Have a look at our exciting offers and decide what kind of experience is for you! Go wild! Get extremely close to the wildlife in Africa, Asia or Australia. Watch the lions on a safari in Africa or look for tigers in India. … shark diving in Australia? … not a problem; go wild with us! You will be close to nature, sleeping in tents the whole time. B Testing the limits of time Travel back in time by discovering ancient cultures: China, Egypt, Greece and many more. Explore famous sights such as temples and palaces. We’ll also try exciting foods and meet local people. C Fit for fun? We offer hiking holidays to famous places such as Machu Picchu, the Everest Base Camp Trek or the Pacific Crest Trail. Go to your personal limits: you’ll be camping and should be very fit. D Exploring the ends of the earth Antarctica or the northern Arctic? Both extreme places are now open for you to explore. You’ll have expert guides with you, explaining everything you need to know about the penguins in Antarctica or whales and polar bears in the Arctic. E Turn off, log out Have you reached your limits in the world of laptops and phones, and do you need a break? Forget about all the stress with our meditation and yoga workshops. You will be able to test your mental limits, relax and enjoy peace. F Active holidays 2 Our active holidays are for those who love being outdoors. We offer lots of water or snow holidays. We’ll take you free diving, jet skiing or white- water rafting. If you like it cold, you can try skiing or snowboarding or even ski jumping. A 38 4 Unit Going to the limit Show what you can do vx53ck thirty-eight Verweis auf die CD deiner Lehrkraft Online-Code, der zu den Audio-Dateien und den Videos im Internet führt. Gib den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf ein. 8k72g7 Online-Code, der zu interaktiven Übungen im Internet führt. Gib den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf ein. Symbole Der Abschnitt Grammar gibt dir einen Überblick über die Grammatikstrukturen , die du in diesem Jahr lernst. Jede der 16 Units beginnt mit einer Auftaktseite . Dort findest du meistens ein Bild, das dich auf das Thema der Unit vorbereitet. In den Units gibt es Kästen mit Redemitteln ( Word banks, Useful phrases ), Informationen ( Info ) und Grammatik ( Grammar ). Auf den Show what you can do -Seiten jeder Unit kannst du deine Lernleistung in der jeweiligen Unit selbst ein- schätzen. Can do-Sätze geben dir dabei Anhaltspunkte, wie deine Leistungen beurteilt werden könnten. Im Vokabelteil ( Vocabulary , ab S. 147) findest du neue Wörter in der Reihenfolge, wie sie in den Units vorkommen. Präge dir die Beispielsätze zu den Wörtern ein. Alphabetisches Vokabular g4m6b4 Im Workbook gibt es zusätzliche Übungen zu den Inhalten der Units. Ab Unit 2 kannst du auf den Revision -Seiten auch Inhalte aus früheren Units wiederholen. 6 Contents six So arbeitest du mit Prime Time Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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