Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Listening: Self-made superstars a) Listen to the interview with a media expert. b) Listen again and do the tasks below. More than one answer can be correct. 1. Janet Ward is a media expert. 2. The interview explains how teenagers have made themselves online . 3. Online give you the chance to promote your way of life. 4. It’s important to provide … specific authentic unscripted material. 5. A vlog can be compared to … a book a film an online diary a TV series. T F 6. Top YouTubers have got millions of followers. 7. So called “influencers” haven’t got any chance to become successful. 8. Big brands have realised the importance of advertising with influencers. 9. It’s easy to become an important vlogger and influencer. c) Put the words in the correct order and form sentences. Add a coma if necessary. 1. video blogs • of • those • with • rather • started • kids • simple • Most Most of those kids started with rather simple video blogs. 2. usually • Teenagers • their • talk • life • everyday • thoughts • and • feelings • about . 3. the • While • frequency • vlogs • of • vary • can • the • is • content • unscripted • mainly . 4. Videos • have • better • become • in • quality • throughout • the • last • few • years . 5. In • celebrities • traditional • replace • to • continue • influencers • digital • top • fact . 7 1.20 hq87az 53 6 fifty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv