Prime Time 4, Coursebook

From blogs to vlogs Reading: What’s the difference? a) Read the paragraphs below and match them with the correct question and picture. 1. What exactly is a “vlog”? To many people’s surprise, the term vlogging has been used since the early 2000s, although it became popular, when YouTube was started. In the beginnings of the YouTube revolution, a camera was needed. However, phones have caught up with the vlogging generation and have got better every single year. 2. What’s the history behind vlogs? Once you create your video, you can upload it online or include the video within a post on your blog or website. Vloggers often record videos in a prepared setting. They record this kind of video in public, during events or performances. The topic and the style of a live vlog can vary, so there are many sub-types of recorded videos. 3. Are there different types of vlogs? The word “vlog” is short for “video blog” and means a blog which features video content. Vlogging is similar to blogging in many ways. In fact, many bloggers have become vloggers, and many vloggers also have a blog. The main difference in the context of blog vs. vlog is the presen- tation and form of content. 4. How to record the vlog and what about the setting? The list of vlogs is practically endless; there’s really everything from music to fitness to education. One of the biggest genres on YouTube is gaming. It focuses on a person playing a game while recording it and then letting others watch the gameplay. b) Your turn: Read the statements below and tick your choice. I watch videos online. regularly often sometimes never I could imagine having my own vlog. Yes, sure. Maybe. I’m not sure. No way. 7jw5gr 6 A B C D 52 6 Unit Blogs fifty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv