Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Reading and writing: Using blogs in the classroom a) Read the infographic and match the paragraphs on the right with some of the headings. 15 REASONS TEACHERS AND STUDENTS SHOULD BLOG 1. Your online hub A blog can be a place where all the bits and pieces you create in the online and offline world can be put. Blogs can keep your virtual world well organised. 2. When publishing online, students have the chance to have their voices heard. 3. Blogs can be used in any subject: French, history, art, physics, … the list goes on! 4. Always taking in information isn’t an ideal way to learn. We need space to process and think about things, and blogging can be a great way to do so. 5. A sense of understanding and tolerance can develop, and students can learn a lot about the world in which they live. Owning your content Your online hub All subjects Creativity Home-School connections Digital footprints Social skills & confidence ICT skills Developing thinking Reflections Classroom community Having a voice Authenticity Global connections Purposeful & productive b) Read the infographic and the texts above again. Then write your own paragraph and explain why writing blogs in class can improve your skills. Use the words from the green box. 5 information • research • multimedia • opportunity • solution • teamwork • fun All subjects SCHOOL 51 6 fifty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv