Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Let’s get it started … Listening: Five steps to start a blog a) Listen to Ally and her tips. b) Listen again. Then put the steps in the correct order and fill in the missing words. e6y3zh 4 1.19 47ur5z Promote your blog . Creating and writing a great blog is just the start 1 . In order to get readers for your blog you will need to spend some time promoting it, especially when you first start. To get readers post links on 2 accounts like Facebook and Twitter. If your friends share the link with their friends, it automatically multiplies your readers. Customise your blog. Thirdly, you have to 3 and you will be in the administrator area. This is where you can make any changes you want to your blog. One of the great things about using WordPress blog is that you can change your whole layout and 4 with just a few clicks. 1 Pick a blog name. Once you have a 5 it’s time to choose your blog name. A good blog name should be catchy, so readers know what your blog is all about. If you create a 6 blog with a variety of topics, then use your name, since your blog is all about you, for example, Blogging with Ally . Once you have some blog name ideas you will need to choose a domain extension. So, Blogging with Ally becomes , for example. Get your blog online. It’s time to get your blog 7 . To get your blog up and running, you need two things: blog hosting and blogging software. A blog host is a company that stores all the files for your blog and delivers them to the user when they type in your blog name. You also need the 8 . to build your blog. For example, WordPress blogging software is the most popular. Write and publish your first post. Now your blog is up and running. It’s time to do some blogging! The menu gives you the 9 to have “posts”. On every new WordPress blog, you will see that there’s already a post. This is a default post you don’t need. Even after you have written a post, your post blog may still say “coming soon”. Click “ 10 ” and your post will be online. 50 6 Unit Blogs fifty Nur zu P üfzwecken – Ei entum des Verlags öbv