Prime Time 4, Coursebook

c) What should a successful blogger do? Read the tips and tick the ones that are correct. Tips for a successful blog Be yourself and be honest. Find your focus and your interests. Set unrealistic goals. Post to social networking sites. Don’t answer to blog comments. Be unfriendly and negative. Include photos, links or videos. Be friendly and positive. Write a blog as quickly as possible. Write blog posts on a regular basis. Listening and reading: Paragraphs for more structure a) Your turn: What is a paragraph? Read the definitions below and tick your choice. A paragraph is … a part of a text consisting of at least one sentence. It deals with one aspect. a short part of a text that begins with a new line and consists of one or more sentences. one of the parts that a piece of writing is divided into, consisting of one or more sentences. b) Listen and check if you were right. c) Go back to Ally’s blog in task 2 and look at the structure of the text. Then complete the grid with the missing information and draw lines. Lines Name of the paragraph First sentence of the paragraph line –7 introduction A blog is quite similar to a regular website. … line 8–15 content point 1 In addition, readers can leave comments … line 1–3 content point 2 Thanks for reading my blog, and feel free to comment. … line 18 This week’s blog is all about blogs in general and what they are. … line 16– conclusion 3 1.18 t2pp9q 49 6 forty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv