Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Ally’s world of blogs Reading: What is a blog? a) Read Ally’s blog post below. This week’s blog is all about blogs in general and what they are. You’ve probably read blogs before. Honestly, I was all about podcasts in the beginning, and then I found out that blogs simply give you more opportunities to get in touch with your community. But let’s get back to the point. What exactly is a blog? A blog is quite similar to a regular website. One could say that a blog is a kind of diary that is mostly written and updated by one person, a so-called “blogger”. So, I’m the one who updates my blog. I do that quite often, mostly every second week. Most of the blogs on the internet are for others to see. So is mine. However, you can keep your blog private. Blogs deal with all kinds of topics. We bloggers are so fond of our ideas that we want to share them with the rest of the world, for example on social media platforms. So, I decided to share my thoughts with as many people as possible. A blog consists of blog posts, which are written and put on the internet by a blogger. A blog post can include different elements: texts, videos, pictures, bullet points, headings and basically everything I’d like to share with the community. In addition, readers can leave comments under the blog posts in order to start conversations on different topics. So, if you want to be a good blogger, try to keep in touch with your readers. Thanks for reading my blog, and feel free to comment. Please stay tuned and keep on reading. b) Read the blog again and do the tasks below. 1. What is the blog above all about? what blogs are 2. What do you call a person who writes blogs? 3. Blogs are usually public, but they can also be . 4. A blog can deal with different such as food or health. 5. When writing blogs, you can share your with people. T F 6. A blog only includes blog posts, never comments. 7. Blogs can include a great variety of content, for example texts, photos, etc. 8. According to the text, readers aren’t allowed to leave comments on the blog. 9. A blogger should also answer the comments left by readers. v622u7 2 Home About me Topics What is a blog? 5 10 15 48 6 Unit Blogs forty-eight Nur zu Prüfzweck n – Eigentum des Verlags öbv