Prime Time 4, Coursebook

T F 1. The most used streaming service by US teenagers is Netflix .  2. Less than a quarter of US teenagers watch live TV. 3. A great majority of US teenagers prefer streaming services to live TV. 4. More than half of US college students have their own streaming account. 5. More than half of US college students use a streaming account. 6. Less than 10 percent of US college students don’t use streaming services at all. Design your own chart 1. Choose a question about watching habits. 2. Ask people in your class. 3. Then design your own chart (pie chart or bar chart). 4. Summarise your results in 3–5 sentences. 10 Tip 1. If you ask 10 persons for your survey, each person counts for 10 percent! 2. Offering some fixed answers to choose from, makes it easier for you! T Useful phrases Describing a chart The chart shows … • 70 percent of the students said that … • Most students said that … • The majority/minority of students usually … P How many hours a day do you watch TV/YouTube/…? I watch TV … b) Now share your results with a partner. I usually watch TV/YouTube/Netflix/… On average I spend … hours in front of the screen. c) Look at the charts about watching habits from recent surveys in the US. Then decide whether the statements below are true or false. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 own streaming account streaming accounts of US college students using friends’ or family’s account no streaming account 2 YouTube screen time of US teenagers Netflix live TV other streaming services 41% 9% 33% 17% 1 bar chart pie chart 45 5 forty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv