Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Keep your eyes on the screen What’s next? Interview with an expert Read the interview with Dr Rayburn and fill in the gaps with the words in green. Interviewer: Dr Rayburn, you have recently published an article about the change in watching habits. What were the most important results? Dr Rayburn: Well, the biggest change, in my opinion, is the change from watching live TV 1 to using other, more modern forms of television. Interviewer: What do you mean by live TV? Dr Rayburn: I mean the traditional understanding of TV, in which you have a specific 2 that broadcasts a specific 3 at a specific time. People no longer sit in front of the old-fashioned 4 in their living room watching the same programme together. Interviewer: What do they do instead? Dr Rayburn: First of all, watching is no longer a 5 ; viewers watch on their own more and more. And secondly, viewers don’t want to wait around for their favourite programmes anymore, which is why they choose 6 such as Netflix or YouTube more frequently than ever before. Interviewer: And what is your own experience with these new forms of television? Dr Rayburn: If you had told me a decade ago, that I would not have cable TV in my house, I would have laughed at you. Today I mostly stream TV shows and movies on my computer or tablet. Survey: Watching habits a) Fill in the questionnaire about your watching habits (TV and/or streaming). 1. How often do you watch? every day a few times a week never 2. How many hours a day do you watch? 1–2 hours 3–4 hours other: 3. What type of programmes do you typically watch? reality shows films TV series news sport other: 4. Do you often watch together with friends or family? Yes, often. Yes, sometimes. Only once in a while No, never. 5. Do you sometimes feel guilty about watching too much? Yes, regularly Very rarely No, not at all other: dz8p5z 8 live TV TV set programme streaming services group experience channel 9 44 5 Unit Television and streaming forty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv