Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Focus on form: used to + base form a) Look at some of the sentences with “used to” in exercise 5b. What do you think “used to” means? something that was done or experienced in the past something that is being done or experienced again and again b) Read the grammar box. Then complete the following sentences with a correct form of the phrase used to . 1. She • love eating chocolate when she was a child She used to love eating chocolate when she was a child. 2. I • live in a flat when I was a child. 3. We • go to the beach every summer? 4. He • not smoke when he was younger. 5. You • play tennis when you were at school? Writing project Do an interview with someone in your family about what watching TV used to be like when he or she was a child. Write it in your exercise book. Use some of the guiding questions below. • Did you use to watch a lot of TV when you were young? • Did you often watch TV together with your family or friends? • Did you use to watch a special programme that you can still remember? • If yes, what was it about? 6 Grammar For more details see 1 G 6 Used to + base form thinking back to old times When I was a little girl, we used to come together at another family’s house once a week to watch the news on television. After the news there was a short children’s programme, which we used to love. Did you use to watch TV as a child? No, I didn’t use to watch TV as a child because my parents bought their first TV when I was 16 years old. G 7 Useful phrases And what about …? Really? Can you tell me more about that? Do you remember anything specific? P 43 5 forty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv