Prime Time 4, Coursebook

b) Take Lara’s and Ben’s quiz and find out how stress can change your life. 1. Would you say that you are more often stressed out than you’re relaxed? yes no 2. How much sleep are you getting at the moment? hours 3. How do you behave in class when you’re stressed? 4. Are your grades better or worse than those of your classmates? better worse 5. If you ticked “worse”, why do you think are they worse? 6. What kind of food do you eat when you’re stressed? 7. Have you ever missed meals or eaten too much because of stress? yes no c) Read the grammar box. Then read Jen’s report of the project on stress. Write the numbers of the missing sentence parts in the boxes. There are two sentence parts too many. In their presentation, Lara and Ben talked about stress. They asked us students A 4 shouted at classmates when stressed. Later they B . One question was how much C . They also asked how we behaved in class under stress and how D . Lara and Ben wanted to find out why students with bad grades thought their grades were E . They asked what food we ate in busy times and F missed meals. Grammar See 1 G 3 Reporting WH-questions in the past direct question What do you do to deal with stress? Who has never shouted at a classmate? reported question They asked what I did to deal with stress. Ben wondered who had never shouted at a classmate. G 1. worse than those of the others 2. asked us to do a quiz 3. how often we 4. if we had ever 5. which of them had never 6. sleep we were getting 7. when we had last 8. good our grades were Listening: How much is too much? a) Listen to Lara’s and Ben’s presentation and fill in the gaps in the infographic. 7 1.12 s958sr GRADES FEELINGS IS IT THAT BAD? CAN CHANGE … Teens with high stress are less likely to get enough rest than teens with low stress. More than 1 in students snap at class- mates because of stress. 1 in students say that their grades are because of being stressed. Many teens eat too much (often food) or miss meals when stressed. 37 4 thirty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv