Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Too much of a good thing Of chocoholics, shopaholics and workaholics a) Tick what you think “-oholic” or “-aholic” means in the words above. being an expert on something doing something too often hating something behaving in an unhealthy way being unable to stop doing something b) With a partner, make up a new word ending in “-oholic” or “-aholic”. Explain its meaning. c) Grace and Simon work for a health helpline. Last night, a workaholic needed Grace’s help, while Simon was called by a chocoholic. Write “Grace” or “Simon”. 1. Grace asked if the caller spent more than 50 hours a week in the office. 2. asked if the caller was eating more than 50 grams of sugar each day. 3. asked if the caller had felt exhausted at the weekend before. 4. asked if the caller wanted to try healthy snacks instead. 5. asked if the caller could try to talk with their boss. d) Read the grammar box and write the direct questions Grace and Simon asked. 1. Do you spend more than 50 hours a week in the office? e) With a partner, think about Grace’s or Simon’s talk on the phone. Use your own ideas, write a dialogue and act it out. Grace: Hello, this is Grace. How can I help you? Caller: Hi, my name’s Tonya. I’ve not been feeling so great lately. I’m so exhausted. 53n2bz 6 Grammar See 1 G 5 Reporting yes-no-questions in the past direct question Do you think about shopping all the time? Have you felt like this before? Can you be happy without your phone? Were you able to say no to the drink? reported question Grace asked if he thought about shopping all the time. Grace asked if he had felt like that before. Simon asked if she could be happy without her phone. Simon asked if she had been able to say no to the drink. G 36 4 Unit Going to the limit thirty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv