Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Television and streaming p. 39 Vocabulary Television – forms, history, opinions Grammar Used to + base form Listening Good old television • More history • The way we used to watch TV Speaking Good old television • The good and bad effects of television • Watching habits • Group talk Reading The history of television • What’s next? Interview with an expert • Reading charts Writing Writing project – an interview • Design your own chart Blogs p. 47 Vocabulary All about blogs Listening It’s all about blogs • What’s a paragraph? • Five steps to start a blog • Self-made superstars Reading What is a blog? • Paragraphs for more structure • Using blogs in the classroom • From blogs to vlogs • Vlogging to make money Speaking It’s all about blogs • Blogs Writing Using blogs in the classroom Play IT safe p. 55 Vocabulary Safer internet – filter bubbles, protecting data, interpreting charts Grammar Using modal verbs to give suggestions, advice and to express possibility/ probability Listening Celebrating privacy Speaking Safer internet • A survey on civil courage • Describing charts • Play IT safe Reading Ally’s Blog: In the bubble • Taking action around Europe • Online hate speech Writing Commenting on Ally’s post • A picture story Sustainability p. 63 Vocabulary Living sustainably • Sustainable travel and lifestyle Grammar The passive – present and modals • The passive – all tenses Listening A travel podcast • Tips for a sustainable way of living Speaking Sustainable ways of living Reading What and how we consume makes a difference • Sustainability – it’s a way of life • Live a cleaner life! Writing Sustainable life tips Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 3 three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv