Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Focus on form: Reported speech For her blog post, Ally reports what the people said. Help Ally to report the sentences of her street interviews with the help of the grammar box and the useful phrases. 1. Alcott: “I wouldn’t play chess against a computer.” Alcott explains to me that he wouldn’t play chess against a computer. 2. Jane: “I absolutely love the quick read app on my phone.” 3. Jane: “I like anything that helps me to get things done more quickly.” 4. Shelby: “I don’t think that one day we won’t need any doctors.” 5. Parker: “I think these songs don’t sound bad.” 6. Parker: “I still like the songs of my favourite pop bands much more.” 7. Edison: “I shouldn’t want to ride in a self-driving car nowadays either.” 3 Grammar For more details see 1 G 2 Reporting what someone says in the present Direct speech Reported speech “I ’ve heard AI is good at playing games.” He says that he has heard AI is good at playing games. “I think these songs don’t sound bad.” He says that he thinks these songs don’t sound bad. “I can’t imagine riding in a self-driving car.” Ally says that she can’t imagine riding in a self-driving car. G Useful phrases reporting verbs to say (that) • to add (that) • to tell sb. (that) • to explain to sb. (that) • to describe to sb. (that) • to think (that) • to point out (that) P 25 3 twenty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv