Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Intelligent machines around us Humans are smart because of the brains inside their heads. Also robots and machines can have a brain. But their brain is like a computer. It’s often called “artificial intelligence” (AI). Listening: What people know about artificial intelligence Ally interviews people in the street for her blog series on intelligent machines. Listen to the interviews and answer the following questions. Interview 1: Alcott 1. What things is artificial intelligence good at?  playing board games playing the piano 2. Alcott would like to play chess against a computer one day. true false Interview 2: Jane 3. What can AI do quicker than a human? 4. Why does Jane like the help of AI? Because she can work faster. Because she doesn’t like reading. Interview 3: Shelby 5. Where does Shelby work? 6. Which sentence is correct? In some years, we won’t need any doctors. Doctors are better at talking to patients than AI. Interview 4: Parker 7. What does Parker think about the computer-generated music he has listened to on YouTube? He likes some of it. He doesn’t like it at all. 8. Why does Parker still listen to his favourite pop bands? because of the quality of the music because of the price Interview 5: Edison 9. Which sentence is correct? Edison would like to ride in a driverless car. Edison wouldn’t like to ride in a driverless car. 10. In what situation can a self-driving car have a problem? 27yn4j 2 1.6 5657t3 24 3 Unit Intelligent machines twenty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv