Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Reading: Ally’s intelligent machines a) Read the blog post below. My parents often use a navigation app on their smartphones in the car. Such apps help them quickly to get where they want to go. Yesterday, we went to my aunt’s wedding, and we were really late. The navigation app showed us all the traffic jams on the route and suggested quicker ways. It was so helpful. We got to the wedding just in time. While my dad was driving the car to the wedding, I was watching videos through an online video platform. I spent hours watching one video after the other because as soon as one video was over, the platform suggested another one, and I watched them all! I really liked every single video the platform showed me. My parents gave my aunt a vacuum cleaning robot as a wedding present. Such robots are brilliant! We have one at home too. They clean your floor on their own. They find their way around the apartment and know exactly where they have already cleaned and how much work there is still to do. Some vacuum cleaning robots even empty their own dustbin. It’s unbelievable how many intelligent machines there are around nowadays. They can help us in so many ways. I wonder how these things work, though. I’ll do some research online and tell you more in my next post. b) How do intelligent machines help Ally and her family? Make sentences. There are two ideas too many. The navigation app shows Ally and her family all the traffic jams. 1 r6ev7r Home About me Topics Intelligent machines around us 5 10 15 suggests more videos about the same topic turns on the lights when it’s getting dark answers text messages on its own cleans a room on its own finds the quickest route helps you to be on time knows the size of a room offers other videos you’re interested in puts the dust in the dustbin shows traffic jams shows videos other people liked Intelligent machines New things • Artificial intelligence • How intelligent machines work • Reporting what someone says/said • Problems with intelli- gent machines • Privacy tips Unit 3 23 twenty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv