Prime Time 4, Coursebook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Language in use: Ellis Island Use the past simple or the past perfect to complete the text about Ellis Island and fill in a) or b) in the gaps. After the immigrant ships a) 1 on Ellis Island, the people 2 to wait in the Great Hall. There 3 thousands of people in there at the same time. They were registered and examined by doctors. Many of them 4 scared because being sick meant that they had either to stay on the island or go back to their home countries. Immigrants 5 asked 29 questions so that the authorities could see if they could read and write. All of them 6 their most important belongings with them to start a new life in the US. Some of them, 7 their houses and everything they 8 once just to be able to buy a boat ticket to New York. It 9 them a long time to reach their destination before they 10 finally see the Statue of Liberty as a first greeting from the New World. 1. a) had landed b) landed 6. a) had brought b) brought 2. a) had had b) had 7. a) had sold b) sold 3. a) had been b) were 8. a) had owned b) owned 4. a) had felt b) felt 9. a) had taken b) took 5. a) had been b) were 10. a) had been able to b) could More about NYC: Talk to your class Choose one of the topics below and use the internet to find out more about it in a group. Take notes and give a short presentation to your class. 9 l m n I can use the correct tense to complete a text. 10 l m n I can present information to a group of people. The Empire State Building Silicon Alley The Statue of Liberty Harlem New York Subway Trump Tower Central Park The MOMA Madison Square Garden 22 2 Unit New York Show what you can do c5p39c twenty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv