Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Rap: American Dream Listen to the Giuseppe’s personal immigration story and fill in the missing words. 5 1.4 In 1893 Giuseppe was a young man from Sicily His life up to then had not been very pleasant He’d lived, worked and starved as a peasant He asked: “Will it change here? No never.” So his family put all their money together To pay for a trip on a transatlantic steamer Giuseppe was an American 1 People came to stay in the USA Different in name, but their story was the 2 They left behind whatever they had been To come and live the American Dream Giuseppe and five others shared a cabin for two He asked: “Where’s my bed?” They said: “Shut up, you.” The food was never good, his health sometimes failing He was often sick over the railing He landed in America on 3 And wondered, “Will this country really be my land?” People came to stay in the USA … Ellis Island was the station for immigration Giuseppe waited patiently for the call To register in the 4 He was examined by doctors. If he’d been really ill, well then He would have stayed in hospital till he was fit again He also proved without any fuss That he could read and write and wasn’t dangerous People came to stay in the USA … America needed 5 There was a great lack Only 2% were sent back Giuseppe passed all the inspections He proved he had some money and no infections So he walked through one of the gates To immigrate into the United States That’s how it came to be that Giuseppe legally Started his new life in the Land of 6 People came to stay in the USA … 19 2 nineteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv