Prime Time 4, Coursebook
to catch sb.’s attention !E*tenSn? They try to catch the people’s attention . jmds. Aufmerksamkeit erregen buyer !baIE? Possible buyers will see the ad and remember it. Käufer (der), Käuferin (die) target audience !tA"gIt *C"dIEns? The ad makes the product seem attractive to its target audience . Zielgruppe (die) typically !*tIpIkli? Typically , ads interrupt series or films. normalerweise to interrupt sth. !IntE*r0pt? Radio and TV ads interrupt regular programmes. etw. unterbrechen hardly !*hA"dli? Some of these are hardly noticed by the viewers. kaum, fast nicht casual !*kxZjUEl? / casually !*kxZUEli? The product is advertised through a casual comment. / It is casually being used by characters in a film. beiläufig shortly !*SC"tli? You’ll find out more about these shortly . in Kürze, bald immediate !I*mi"dIEt? They want an immediate reaction from the viewers. sofort, unmittelbar 5 in exchange !In Iks*tSeIndZ? In exchange , they will post pictures of themselves in the hotel room. dafür, als Ersatz wannabe !*wOnEbi? You can tell who’s a professional influencer and who’s just a wannabe . Möchtegern (der) hotel manager !*hEUtel mxnIdZE? For hotel managers it is quite attractive to work with influencers. Hoteldirektor (der), Hoteldirektorin (die) five-star resort !faIvstA" rI*sC"t? He is the manager of a five-star resort in the Maldives. Fünf-Sterne-Hotel (das) celebrity endorsement !sE*lebrEti IndC"smEnt? This is a new form of celebrity endorsement . Prominentenwerbung (die) to target sb. !tA"gIt? They help hotels directly target new audiences. sich an jmdn. richten, auf jmdn. abzielen critical !*krItIkl? Hotel managers should remain critical . kritisch posing !*pEUzIN? Sometimes the posing influencers do seems so silly. posieren 6 to order sth. !*C"dE? You shouldn’t order anything online. etw. bestellen tidy !*taIdi? Buy our product to keep your room tidy . sauber, aufgeräumt comfortable !*k0mfEtEbl? This chair is really comfortable . gemütlich believable !bI*li"vEbl? The actors are not very believable . glaubwürdig, glaubhaft unprofessional !0nprE*feSnl? This ad looks rather unprofessional . unprofessionell unnatural !0n*nxtSrl? The acting is just unnatural . unnatürlich uncomfortable !0n*k0mftEbl? Watching this makes me uncomfortable . unbehaglich, unwohl witty !*wIti? He made a witty comment, and everyone laughed. geistreich, witzig of high/low quality !*kwOlEti? This advertisement is of rather low quality . hochwertig/minderwertig uncool !0n*ku"l? Ads with emojis are unbelievably uncool . uncool 7 to market sth. !mA"kIt? Most ads try to market a product. vermarkten public interest ad !p0blIk *IntrEst xd? Public interest ads don’t market a product. Werbung öffentlichen Interesses social !*sEUSl? They make you think about a social problem. sozial best before (date) !best bI*fC" deIt? Best before dates are not exact. Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum (das) e-waste !*i"weIst? Smart phones alone create so much e-waste . Elektroschrott (der), E-Müll (der) composting !*kOmpOstIN? Try composting your food waste in your garden. Kompostieren (das) DIY (do it yourself) !di"aI*waI? My sister is a real DIY genius! Heimwerken (das), Heimwerker- fast fashion !*fA"st fxSn? Fast fashion gives you new types of clothes every week. Wegwerfmode (die), Fast Fashion (die) 188 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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