Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Awesome ads 1 grown-up !*grEUn0p? Growing up is for grown-ups . Erwachsener (der), Erwachsene (die) to make one’s day !meIk w0nz *deI? This cupcake just made my day ! jmdm. den Tag versüßen jungle !dZ0Ngl? There’s a jungle right there. Dschungel (der), Urwald (der) tree of knowledge !tri" Ev *nOlIdZ? Let’s plant the tree of knowledge . Baum der Erkenntnis (der) sweetness !*swi"tnEs? Vanilla adds sweetness to your cake. Süße (die) to rhyme !raIm? A slogan is better if it rhymes . sich reimen slang !slxN? The slogan uses slang . Slang (der) to play on one’s emotions !I*mEUSnz? The ad plays on your emotions . sich jmds. Gefühle zunutze machen 2 to persuade sb. !pE*sweId? They use different techniques to persuade you. jmdn. überzeugen, jmdn. überreden light !laIt? Cake as light as a feather. hier: leicht We’ve got this! !wi"v *gOt DIs? Wir schaffen das! immediately !I*mi"dIEtli? Call us immediately ! gleich, sofort exaggeration !IgzxdZE*reISn? Adverts are full of exaggerations . Übertreibung (die) alliteration !ElItE*reISn? Alliteration helps you remember a slogan. Alliteration (die), Stabreim (der) rhyme !raIm? Many slogans also use rhyme . Reim (der) sportswear !*spC"tsweE? We sell sportswear that won’t tear. Sportkleidung (die) humour !*hju"mE? Advertisements frequently use humour . Humor (der) to take a bite !teIk E *baIt? Take a bite quickly, or it might be gone! abbeißen, reinbeißen selection !sI*lekSn? Order a box with a selection of cupcakes. Auswahl (die), Sortiment (das) delivery !dI*lIvri? The company has super-fast delivery . Lieferung (die) service !*s3"vIs? Make up an ad for the products and services . hier: Dienstleistung (die) 3 sexist !*seksIst? Many popular computer games are sexist . sexistisch you can tell that … !jU kEn *tel? You can easily tell that this ad was designed to attract girls. man merkt, dass … figure !*fIgE? You can see the figures ’ faces quite clearly. Gestalt (die), Figur (die) obviously !*ObvIEsli? Obviously , this ad was designed to attract boys. offensichtlich, deutlich scary !*skeEri? It was a very scary experience. gruselig, unheimlich sparkling !*spA"klIN? She was wearing a sparkling dress. glitzernd, funkelnd evil !*i"vEl? The ad makes the bacteria look evil . böse frankly !*frxNkli? Frankly , I believe that this ad is sexist. ehrlich gesagt surely !*SC"li"? Surely it’s wrong to advertise sweets to children. sicher, bestimmt to appeal to sb. !E*pi"l? These radio ads clearly appeal to children. jmdn. ansprechen, jmdn. reizen 4 appealing !E*pi"lIN? Fast food ads always make the food look more appealing than it is. attraktiv, verlockend appalling !E*pC"lIN? I just saw the most appalling advert! schockierend, entsetzend billboard !*bIlbC"d? Billboards need to express their messages quickly. Reklametafel (die), Plakatwand (die) product placement !*prOd0kt pleIsmnt? In product placement , the product is not openly advertised. Produktplatzierung (die) to stop to do sth. !stOp? The readers probably won’t stop to look at it more carefully. anhalten, um etw. zu tun Unit 15 187 one hundred and eighty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv