Prime Time 4, Coursebook

client !klaIEnt? I try to make helpful suggestions to my clients . Kunde (der), Kundin (die) to improve sth. !Im*pru"v? We try to improve our clients’ situations. etw. verbessern to face sth. !feIs? You never know which challenges you’ll face . mit etw. konfrontiert sein to set up a plan !set *0p? He set up a training plan . einen Plan aufstellen marathon !*mxrETn? She wants to take part in a marathon . Marathon (der) relative !*relEtIv? A relative of hers became seriously ill. Verwandter (der), Verwandte (die) broken-down car !brEUkndAun *kA"? Have you ever fixed a broken-down car ? liegengebliebenes Auto (das) motorway !*mEUtEweI? The car broke down on the motorway . Autobahn (die), Schnellstraße (die) choreographer !kOrI*OgrEfE? As a choreographer , you have to be creative. Choreograf (der), Choreografin (die) ballet !*bxleI? He’s a famous choreographer in a ballet company. Ballett (das) dance routine !*dA"ns ru"*ti"n? A choreographer creates dance routines . Tanznummer (die) company !k0mpEni? Everyone in our company works hard to make a great show. hier: Ensemble (das), Theatergruppe (die) to put on a show !pUt On E *SEU? We put on five shows a year. eine Show aufführen impressive !Im*presIv? Our company puts on an impressive Christmas event every year. beeindruckend piece of music !pi"s? Listen very carefully to the piece of music . Musikstück (das) timing !*taImIN? We worked out the timing of the dance steps. Timing (das) dance step !*dA"ns step? Let’s rehearse the dance steps again. Tanzschritt (der) orchestra !*C"kIstrE? We need to find music that the orchestra can play. Orchester (das) hairdresser !*heEdresE? I’ve worked as a hairdresser for a long time. Frisör (der), Frisörin (die) specialist !*speSlIst? A hairdresser is a specialist for cutting hair. Spezialist (der), Spezialistin (die) to colour sth. !*k0lE? I colour my hair in a different colour every month. etw. färben to style hair !staIl *heE? This hairdresser styled my hair for the wedding. die Haare frisieren, stylen training course !*treInIN kC"s? I love to attend training courses regularly. Schulung (die), Fortbildung (die) cut !k0t? I’m able to offer clients the latest cut . Schnitt (der) area of expertise !eErIE Ev eksp3"*ti"z? My special area of expertise is hair restoration. Fachgebiet (das) hair restoration !*heE restr*eISn? For hair restoration you use artificial hair. Haarwiederherstellung (die) toupee !*tu"peI? I specialise in styling toupees . Toupet (das) artificial hair !A"tIfISl *heE? Styling artificial hair is much more difficult. Kunsthaar (das) to address sb. !E*dres? I need to address customers in a friendly manner. jmdn. ansprechen manner !*mxnE? I always talk to people in a polite manner . Art (die), Weise (die) to be open to sth. !EUpn tU? You have to be open to learning new techniques. für etw. offen sein attention to detail !EtenSn tE *di"teIl? Attention to detail is very important. Detailgenauigkeit (die) cleanliness !*klenlInEs? Cleanliness is an important part of being a hairdresser. Sauberkeit (die) 6 cheerful !*tSIEfl? She’s such a cheerful person! fröhlich, heiter responsible !rI*spOnsIbl? We are looking for a responsible person to do this job. verantwortungsvoll, verantwortlich multiple !*m0ltIpl? Can you do multiple things at the same time? mehrere, mehrfach to work long hours !lON *aUEz? I am able to work long hours . Überstunden machen to think outside the box !TINk aUtsaId TE *bOks? You need to think outside the box . unkonventionell denken 185 one hundred and eighty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv