Prime Time 4, Coursebook
Work hard; play hard 1 high school reunion !haI sku"l rI*ju"njEn? They met again at a 10-year high school reunion . Klassentreffen (das) professional !prE*feSnl? My dream is to become a professional basketball player. Profi-, Berufs- sports agent !*spC"ts eIdZnt? I could also become a sports agent . Spieleragent (der), Spieleragentin (die) player !*pleIE? A sports agent helps teams find new players . Spieler (der), Spielerin (die) quality !*kwOlEti? I’m sure I have all the qualities that I need. Eigenschaft (die) ambitious !xm*bISEs? Geoffrey is a very ambitious boy. ehrgeizig disciplined !*dIsEplInd? I wish I was more disciplined . diszipliniert, ordentlich service industry !*s3"vIs IndEstri? Gillian wants to work in the service industry . Dienstleistungsbranche (die) cooperative !kEU*OprEtIv? I think I’m cooperative and friendly. kooperativ, hilfsbereit patient !*peISnt? My mum always says I’m patient . geduldig receptionist !rI*sepSnIst? Maybe I’ll become a receptionist . Rezeptionist (der), Rezeptionistin (die) call centre agent !*kC"l sentEr eIdZnt? I work as a call centre agent . Telefonberater (der), Telefonberaterin (die) interior designer !intIErIE dI*zaInE? You could become an interior designer . Innenarchitekt (der), Innenarchitektin (die) to specialise in sth. !*speSlaIz? I have specialised in designing hotel rooms. sich auf etw. spezialisieren luxury suite !*l0kSri swi"t? She designed the luxury suites of a big hotel. Luxussuite (die) meteorology !mi"tIr*OlEdZi? I decided to study meteorology . Meteorologie (die) medicine !*medIsn? I am interested in medicine . Medizin (die), Arztberuf (der) to train as sth. !*treIn Ez? So I trained as a nurse. eine Ausbildung in etw. machen nurse !n3"s? My brother is a nurse at the hospital. Krankenpfleger (der), Krankenschwester (die) retirement home !rI*taIEmEnt hEUm? She works in a retirement home . Pensionistenheim (das), Altersheim (das) elderly people !*eldli pi"pl? He takes care of elderly people . ältere Menschen (die) 3 researcher !rI*s3"tSE? I’m a researcher at the University of Vienna. Forscher (der), Forscherin (die) study !*st0di? Researchers did a study on job preferences. Studie (die), Untersuchung (die) automatically !C"tE*mxtIkli? Machines can do easy tasks automatically . automatisch to assist sb. !E*sIst? They assist doctors with difficult tasks. jmdm. helfen, jmdm. assistieren over and over again !EUvEr End *EUver Egen? They have to do the same thing over and over again . immer und immer wieder flexible !*fleksIbl? To keep our jobs, we will have to be flexible . flexibel 4 TV journalist !ti"*vi" dZ3"nElIst? My best friend works as a TV journalist . TV-Journalist (der), TV-Journalistin (die) veterinarian (vet) !vetrI*neErIEn? I brought my cat to the veterinarian . Tierarzt (der), Tierärztin (die) chef !Sef? She works as a chef in a big restaurant. Chefkoch (der), Chefköchin (die) In my view, … !In *maI vju"? In my view, machines can’t work as chefs. Meiner Ansicht nach, … individual !IndI*vIdZUEl? Machines can’t help people with their individual problems. individuell, einzeln 5 job profile !*dZOb prEUfaIl? Write a job profile for a social worker. Tätigkeitsprofil (das) social worker !*sEUSl w3"kE? A social worker helps people with challenges in their lives. Sozialarbeiter (der), Sozialarbeiterin (die) Unit 14 184 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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