Prime Time 4, Coursebook
avatar !*xvEtA"? These avatars are used in a game called “Infinity“. Avatar (der) virtual reality game !v3"tSUEl rI*xlEti geIm? “Infinity” is a virtual reality game . Virtual-Reality-Spiel (das) society !sE*saIEti? Dystopian societies are usually different from ours. Gesellschaft (die) to cycle !saIkl? People have to cycle all day to produce electricity. Rad fahren stationary bike !steISnri baIk? People have to cycle on stationary bikes . Standrad (das) eye movements !*aI mu"vmEnts? The adverts react to people’s eye movements . Augenbewegungen (die) to implant sth. !im*plA"nt? It’s a tool that can be implanted into one’s head. etw. implantieren to control sb./sth. !kEn*trEUl? Parents can control their child by using a tablet. jmdn. unter Kontrolle haben to view sth. through sb.’s eyes !vju"? They can view the world through the child’s eyes . etw. durch jmds. Augen sehen memory !*memri? The avatars have the same memories . hier: Gedächtnis 6 weird !wIEd? What are the weirdest inventions of all times? seltsam, komisch bicycle !*baIsIkl? The bicycle was invented over a century ago. Fahrrad (das) landmine !*lxndmaIn? Landmines belong to the worst inventions of all times. Landmine (die) nuclear bomb !*nju"klIE bOm? The nuclear bomb should never have been invented. Atombombe (die) in a green way !gri"n *weI? Try to travel to school in a green way . auf umweltfreundliche Weise attack !E*txk? Without the nuclear bomb, the horrible attacks in Japan would not have happened. Angriff (der) a waste of sth. !weIst? I think this invention was just a waste of energy. Verschwendung von etw. 7 useless !ju"slEs? This invention is completely useless . nutzlos, sinnlos, zwecklos duster !*d0stE? You’ll love these special duster socks for your cat! Staubtuch (das), Staubwedel (der) item !*aItEm? Choose two of these items and combine them. Gegenstand (der) to combine !kEm*baIn? Combine the words to make up new words. kombinieren toothbrush !*tu"Tbr0S? Change your toothbrush every 3 months. Zahnbürste (die) dog bowl !*dOg bEUl? He refills the dog bowl three times a day. Hundenapf (der) running shoes !*r0nIN Su"z? Never use new running shoes for a race. Laufschuhe (die) in your own time !In yEr *EUn taIm? Wake up in your own time . in Ruhe, im eigenen Tempo solar-powered !sEUlEpaUEd? Would you buy a solar-powered flashlight? solarbetrieben flashlight (AE) !*flxSlaIt? Every family should have at least one flashlight . Taschenlampe (die) waterproof !*wC"tEpru"f? Make sure to wear waterproof boots on your trip. wasserdicht teabag !*ti"bxg? Waterproof teabags would be completely useless. Teebeutel (der) 8 excellence !*eksElns? Our school is well-known for its excellence . Vorzüglichkeit (die), Güte (die) radio communication !*reIdIEU kEmju"nIkEISn? She developed a system for radio communication . Funkverbindung (die) system !*sIstEm? The idea is used in the GSM cell phone system . System (das) coal dust !*kEUl d0st? He only had salt and coal dust to clean his teeth. Kohlenstaub (der) straw !strC"? Joseph Friedman invented a new type of straw . Strohhalm (der) to bend – bent – bent sth. !bend? !bent? He designed a straw that could be bent . etw. verbiegen judge !dZ0dZ? She showed her original plans to the judges . Richter (der), Richterin (die) case !keIs? Margaret Knight won her case . Rechtsfall (der) 183 one hundred and eighty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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