Prime Time 4, Coursebook

flea !fli"? If you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas . Floh (der); Wer mit Hunden zu Bett geht, steht mit Flöhen auf. to go on like this !gEU *On laIk DIs? If we go on like this , we’ll win! so weitermachen step by step !step baI *step? We should do this step by step . stufenweise, Schritt für Schritt to know a thing or two about sth. !knEU E TIN E tu"? Ada knows a thing or two about programming language. sich mit etw. auskennen know-it-all !*nEUItC"l? Isn’t she a bit of a know-it-all ? Besserwisser/-in (der/die) to serve sb. right !s3"v? If we don’t win this game, it will serve us right . jmdm. recht geschehen programming !*prEUgrxmIN? Ada’s an expert on programming . Programmieren (das) programming language !*prEUgrxmIN lxNgwIdZ? I know two programming languages . Programmiersprache (die) to season sth. !si"zn? Would you like me to season it with pepper? etw. würzen 4 tech savvy !*tek sxvi? Ada is really tech savvy ! technikerfahren tech slave !*tek sleIv? I’m such a tech slave , I can’t leave the room without my phone. Techniksklave (der), Techniksklavin (die) ace !eIs? Lovelace was a programming ace . Ass (das) computer programmer !kEm*pju"tE prEUgrxmE? She is known as the first computer programmer . Computerprogrammierer (der), Computerprogrammiererin (die) mentor !*metE? Charles Babbage became her mentor . Mentor (der), Mentorin (die) in a nutshell !In E *n0tSel? Here is Ada’s life in a nutshell . kurz gesagt countess !*kaUntes? Her full name was Augusta Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace. Gräfin (die) poet !*pEUIt? Her father was the famous poet Lord Byron. Poet (der) to control yourself !kEn*trEUl? Her mother thought it would help her to control herself. sich beherrschen mathematician !mxTmE*tISn? She met Charles Babbage, a mathematician and inventor. Mathematiker (der), Mathematikerin (die) complex calculations !kOmpleks kxlkjEleISnz? The machine would be used for complex calculations . komplexe Berechnungen to translate !trxnz*leIt? Ada translated an article about the machine. übersetzen to have sth. in mind !In *maInd? This is the machine Babbage had in mind . etw. im Sinn haben marriage !*mxrIdZ? Their marriage was happy. Ehe (die) painkiller !*peInkIlEz? She had to take painkillers . Schmerzmittel (das) gambling !*gxmblIN? Ada tried to use her skills in mathematics for gambling . Glücksspiel (das) to work out !w3"k *aUt? Her plan didn’t work out . hier: klappen pill !pIl? Ada took pills because of her health problems. Tablette (die), Pille (die) 5 dystopia !dI*stEUpIE? All my favourite books are dystopias . Dystopie (die) imaginary !I*mxdZInri? Fantasies are usually set in an imaginary place. erfunden, imaginär unpleasant !0n*pleznt? In a dystopia everything is unpleasant . unerfreulich, unangenehm dystopian !dI*stEUpIEn? The dystopian TV series Black Mirror is about technology and its dangers. dystopisch merit !*merIt? If they cycle long enough, they get “ merits ”. hier: Verdienst (der) DNA !di"en*eI? They scan their DNA with a digital scanner. DNA (die), DNS (die) scanner !*skxnE? People use a digital DNA scanner to create avatars. Scanner (der) lifelike !*laIflaIk? These then create lifelike avatars of real people. lebensecht, naturgetreu 182 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty-two Nur z Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv