Prime Time 4, Coursebook

hopeless !*hEUplEs? This is hopeless ! hoffnungslos to quit !kwIt? That’s it, I quit ! aufgeben, aufhören to storm off stage !stC"m? Jade storms off stage . von der Bühne stürmen to waste time !weIst *taIm? Let’s not waste time . Zeit verschwenden Lights up !laIts *0p? Lichter an! lute !lu"t? Elizabethan lute music starts. Laute (die) to go through one’s steps !steps? The dancers go through their steps for a few minutes. Die (Tanz)schritte durchgehen to return !rI*t3"n? Blossom returns to the stage. zurückkehren veil !veIl? Deva has a veil over her face. Schleier (der) not a thing !nOt E *TIN? I can ’t see a thing ! gar nichts final !*faInl? Let’s do a final read-through of the balcony scene. letzte/letzter/letztes to lift sth. !lIft? She lifts her veil. etw. heben transformed !trEns*fC"md? Without glasses she looks transformed as Juliet. verwandelt to deny sth. !dI*naI? Deny thy father! etw. verleugnen to refuse sth. !rI*fju"z? Refuse thy family name! etw. verweigern ugh (coll.) !3"? !UX? wäh, igitt to act (on stage) !xkt? Wow, she can act ! schauspielen to spot sth./sb. !spOt? I’m sure to be spotted by the scout! etw./jmdn. entdecken to gaze at sb. !geIz? Ross gazes at Deva. jmdn. anstarren to creep – crept !kri"p? !krept? Blossom has crept back to the stage. hier: schleichen wings !wINz? She watches them secretly from the wings . Kulissen (die) to jump for joy !dZ0mp fE *dZCI? Blossom jumps for joy . vor Freude springen to punch the air !p0nTS DI eE? She silently punches the air . die Faust in die Luft stoßen Incredible inventions incredible !In*kredEbl? These inventions are all incredible! unglaublich 1 to take part in sth. !teIk *pA"t? You are taking part in a contest. an etw. teilnehmen firefighter !*faIEfaItE? The firefighters worked all night. Feuerwehrmann (der), -frau (die) sibling !*sIblIN? I have three siblings : a brother and two sisters. Geschwister (das) triangle !*traIxNgl? The invention has the shape of a triangle . Dreieck (das) function !*f0NkSn? What is your invention’s function ? Funktion (die) slogan !*slEUgEn? Think of a slogan for your product! Slogan (der) 2 to eat one’s hat !i"t w0nz *hxt? If the internet isn’t the most recent invention, I’ll eat my hat . einen Besen fressen thermometer !TE*mOmItE? The thermometer says it’s 30°C outside. Thermometer (das) microscope !*maIkrEskEUp? It’s amazing what you can see through a microscope . Mikroskop (das) printing press !*prIntIN pres? The printing press was invented around 1450. Druckerpresse (die) to take sb.’s temperature !*temprEtSE? We’ll take your temperature first. jmds. Temperatur messen blind !blaInd? This is a useful tool for blind people. blind idiom !*IdIEm? Do you know what these idioms mean? Redewendung (die) 3 conditional !kEn*dISnl? The third conditional expresses unreal past. Bedingungssatz (der) ! Unit 13 181 one hundred and eighty-one ur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv