Prime Time 4, Coursebook
spotlight !*spOtlaIt? Are we using a spotlight for the balcony scene? Scheinwerfer (der) energy boost !*enEdZi bu"st? Looks like you need an energy boost . Energieschub (der) nut ’n granola bar !n0tngrE*nEUlE bA"? Have a nut ’n granola bar . Müsliriegel (der) talent scout !*txlnt skaUt? There could be talent scouts in the audience. Talentscout (der) opening night !*EUpnIN naIt? I will give my best performance on opening night . Premierenabend (der) career !kE*rIE? He’s worried about his acting career . Karriere (die) to be about to do sth. !EbaUt tE *du"? The lovers are about to have their first kiss. im Begriff sein, etw. zu tun to get sth. right !get *raIt? Let’s get the balcony scene right this time! etw. richtig machen to take one’s place !teIk w0nz *pleIs? All of them take their places . seinen Platz einnehmen to whisper !*wIspE? Deva whispers to Blossom, covering her eyes. flüstern to deliver one’s lines !dI*lIvE? You can’t deliver Shakespeare’s fine lines with your mouth full. seinen Text sagen to swallow sth. !*swOlEU? He swallows the last bit of the bar. etw. (hinunter)schlucken to part (with sb.) !pA"t? I never want to part with you! sich (von jmdm.) trennen sorrow !*sOrEU? Parting is such sweet sorrow . Kummer (der), Leid (das) morrow !*mOrEU? I shall say good night till it be morrow ! Morgen (der), morgen 7 to react !rI*xkt? How is Deva going to react ? reagieren to ruin sth. !*ru"In? You’ve totally ruined the scene! etw. zerstören to hold up – held up sth. !hEUld?!held? Deva holds up a book. etw. hochhalten first date !f3"st *deIt? People definitely didn’t kiss on a first date ! erstes Treffen (das), erstes Date (das) background research !*bxkgraUnd rIs3"tS? I’ve done some background research . Hintergrundrecherche (die) furious !*fjUErIEs? Jade is furious because the scene is ruined. sehr wütend to blow sb. a kiss !blEU? Ross blows Juliet a kiss . jmdm. ein Küsschen zuwerfen to march up to sb. !mA"tS? Jade marches up to Deva, furious. auf jmdn. zumarschieren Back off !bxk *Of? Lass mich in Ruhe! four-eyes (coll.) !*fC"raIz? Back off, four-eyes ! Brillenschlange (die) 9 dress rehearsal !dres rI*h3"sl? The dress rehearsal is the last rehearsal of a play. Generalprobe (die) costume designer !*kOstSu"m dI*zaInE? The costume designers did great work. Kostümbildner (der), Kostümbildnerin (die) to dress sb. !dres? They are dressing the actors. jmdn. anziehen to make up sb. !meIk *0p? The make-up artists are making up the actors. jmdn. schminken to look the part !lUk DE *pA"t? Wow, you all really look the part in costume and make-up! optisch zur Rolle passen I hope so !aI *hEUp sEU? Das hoffe ich! silence !saIlEns? Silence on the set! Ruhe (die) to get in position !pE*zISn? The actors get in position . seinen Platz einnehmen to go down (lights) !gEU *daUn? The lights go down . hier: ausgehen (Licht) soft !sOft? But soft ! hier: leise yonder !*jOndE? What light through yonder window breaks? jener/jene/jenes … dort drüben melodramatic !mElEUdrE*mxtIk? Jade says her lines in a very melodramatic way. melodramatisch er (coll.) !E? / um (coll.) !Em? äh, ähm ! ! 180 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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