Prime Time 4, Coursebook
female !*fi"meIl? There are two female roles left. weiblich lead !li"d? We need a female lead . Hauptrolle (die) breathless !*breTles? Jade runs in breathless . außer Atem, atemlos colourful !*k0lEfl? I don’t want to hear your colourful excuses. hier: lebhaft 4 sentence stress !*sentEns stres? Sentence stress is the accent we put on certain words. Satzakzent (der) to reread sth. !rI*ri"d? Read the sentences silently and then reread them aloud. etw. noch einmal lesen to read aloud !ri"d E*laUd? Read Ross’ sentences from scene 1 aloud . laut lesen accent !*xksnt? Sentence stress is the accent on certain words. hier: Betonung (die) to carry the meaning !kxri DE *mi"nIN? These words then carry the meaning of the sentence. die Bedeutung tragen bunch of (flowers) !b0nTS Ev? I asked you to buy me a bunch of red roses. (Blumen)strauß (der) 5 ceiling !*si"lIN? Deva is lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling . (Zimmer)decke (die) fair !feE? Two of the fairest stars in all heaven. hier: schön to fall for sb. !fC"l fE? Juliet falls for Romeo. sich in jmdn. verlieben rehearsal !rE*h3"sl? Today is the first rehearsal of our play. Probe (die) prompt !prOmpt? Every good play has a prompt . Souffleur (der), Souffleuse (die) to feed sb. lines !fi"d laInz? You have to feed her pretty much every line ! jmdm. (den Text) soufflieren to kidnap sb. !*kIdnxp? Someone tried to kidnap me on the way home. jmdn. entführen to come down with sth. !kam *daUn wID? She came down with a nut allergy. hier: an etwas erkranken nut allergy !*n0t xlEdZi? I can’t eat that. I have a nut allergy . Nussallergie (die) To be fair … !tE bi" *feE? To be fair , I think Jade is actually allergic to nuts. Zugegeben, … Humph (coll.) !h0mf? Hm! opening scene !*EUpnIN si"n? In the opening scene , Romeo talks about Rosalind. Anfangsszene (die) to be history !*hIstri? His girlfriend is history now. erledigt sein, vorbei sein ex !eks? So his girlfriend is suddenly his ex ? Ex (der/die) flaky (coll.) !*fleIki? The guy’s totally flaky ! seltsam, unzuverlässig Huh? (coll.) !hE? Hä? 6 public performance !p0blIk pE*fC"mEns? After enough rehearsals, we will have a public performance . öffentliche Aufführung (die) Wherefore art thou Romeo? !weEfC" a"t DaU *rEUmIEU? Warum bist du Romeo? What on earth …? !On 3"T? What on earth does wherefore mean? Was in aller Welt …? Elizabethan !ilIzE*bi"Tn? In Elizabethan English wherefore means why . elisabethanisch, aus der Zeit von Queen Elizabeth I to wonder out loud !*w0ndE aUt *laUd? She’s wondering out loud why she had to fall in love with him. laut nachdenken enemy !*enEmi? She fell in love with a boy from an enemy family. feindlich till !tIl? Did my heart love till now? bis to be sb.’s turn !t3"n? Is it my turn ? an der Reihe sein to throw up your hands !TrEU 0p yE *hxndz? Ross throws his hands up , frustrated. die Hände über dem Kopf zusammenschlagen frustrated !fr0s*treItId? Ross is frustrated about the rehearsal. frustriert Argh !A"g? Aah! Verflixt! privately !praIvEtli? Ross spoke privately to Mr. G. hier: heimlich, unter vier Augen ! ! 179 one hundred and seventy-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigen um de Verlags öbv
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