Prime Time 4, Coursebook

nearby !nIE*baI? Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby ? in der Nähe, nahegelegen farmhouse !*fA"mhaUs? The Windhagenbauer is a traditional farmhouse . Bauernhaus (das) outdoor pool !aUtdC" *pu"l? We also have an outdoor pool . Außenbecken (das), Freibad (das) outskirts !aUtsk3"ts? The hotel is situated on the outskirts of London. Stadtrand (der), Außenbezirke (die) overlooking sth. !EUvE*lUkIN? Each room has a balcony overlooking the mountains. etw. überblicken Alpine-style !*xlpaInstaIl? I love their Alpine-style apartments. alpiner Stil (der) to come with sth. !*k0m wID? Our apartments come with a kitchenette. mit etw. ausgestattet sein kitchenette !kItSn*et? Each apartment has a kitchenette . Kochnische (die) satellite TV !sxtElaIt ti"*vi"? The large apartments come with satellite TV . Satellitenfernsehen (das) free of charge !fri" Ev *tSA"dZ? Bicycles are provided free of charge . kostenfrei 6 cost !kOst? There is no extra cost for breakfast. Kosten (die), Preis (der) access to sth. !*xkses? You have direct access to a ski slope. Zugang zu etw. for hire !*haIE? Bicycles are available for hire . zu vermieten 7 booking !*bUkIN? Ally writes an e-mail to place a booking . Reservierung (die), Buchung (die) promotional code !prE*mEUSnl kEUd? We’ve got a promotional code from a website. Aktionscode (der) to confirm !kEn*f3"m? Please could you confirm the booking? bestätigen further !f3"DE? Let me know if you need any further information. weitere With kind regards, … !wID kaInd rI*gA"dz? Mit freundlichen Grüßen, … 8 guest author !*gest C"TE? Ally asked her mum to write a post on her blog as a guest author . Gastautor (der), Gastautorin (die) corner shop !*kC"nE SOp? There was a tiny corner shop next to the school. Greissler (der) touristy !*tUErIsti? Today it has become a touristy place. touristisch car park !*kA" pA"k? They have been turned into car parks . Parkplatz (der) meadow !*medEU? Some of the beautiful meadows are gone now. Wiese (die) meeting place !*mi"tIN pleIs? The park used to be our favourite meeting place . Treffpunkt (der) willow tree !*wIlEU tri"? We used to sit under the huge willow tree . Weidenbaum (der) to cut down a tree !k0t *daUn? They cut down many trees . einen Baum fällen beloved !bI*l0vId? Our beloved willow tree has been cut down. geliebt stand !stxnd? The ice cream stand has gone too. Stand (der) to modernise sth. !*mOdEnaIz? The school has been completely modernised . etw. modernisieren fine !faIn? This is a fine change. in Ordnung, gut to mend sth. !mend? They have mended the old roof. etw. reparieren, etw. ausbessern to renew sth. !rI*nju"? The windows have been renewed . etw. erneuern to admit sth. !Ed*mIt? I must admit that I feel sad about this. etw. zugeben nostalgic !nOS*txldZIk? I feel nostalgic about the corner shop. nostalgisch to pull down a building !*bIldIN? The whole building has been pulled down . ein Gebäude abreißen otherwise !*0DEwaIz? Changes must happen otherwise we’d be left behind. andernfalls, sonst 10 adventurous !Ed*ventSrEs? My hiking trip in Austria was quite adventurous ! abenteuerlich misty !*mIsti? The weather was misty . leicht nebelig, dunstig cloudless !*klaUdles? After a while, the sky turned cloudless . wolkenlos spectacular !spek*txkjElE? The sky looked absolutely spectacular . fantastisch, atemberaubend 177 one hundred and seventy seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv