Prime Time 4, Coursebook

hunting !*h0ntIN? They are trying to find animals for hunting . Jagen (das), Jagd (die) leader !*li"dE? Ngatoro is the leader of the Maori. Anführer (der), Anführerin (die) 5 legend !*ledZEnd? Many of the legends are well-known stories. Legende (die) indigenous !In*dIdZInEs? New Zealand’s indigenous people came from the islands of Polynesia. indigen, einheimisch belief !bI*li"f? Learning to live in New Zealand formed their beliefs . Glaube (der) clearly !*klIEli? The Maori culture has clearly developed differently. eindeutig, offensichtlich race !reIs? The race of the Maori is different from other Polynesian cultures. Volk (das), (Volks)gruppe (die), Ethnie (die) to be distinct from sth. !di*stINkt? “Te Maori” became a race clearly distinct from other Polynesian cultures. sich von etw. unterscheiden oral history !C"rEl *hIstri? The tradition of oral history continues till today. mündlich überlieferte Geschichte (die) to name sth./sb. !neIm? Maori oral history names a few people in their stories. etw./jmdn. nennen companion !kEm*pxnjEn? His companion was called “Ngahue”. Gefährte (der), Gefährtin (die) to captain sth. !*kxptEn? Together, they captained a few canoes. etw. anführen, etw. befehlen storytelling !*stC"ritelIN? They were passed on by storytelling and song. Geschichtenerzählen (das) tradition !trE*dISn? The tradition of oral history continues till today. Tradition (die) myth !mIT? Oral history includes ancient myths and legends. Mythos (der) prose narrative !*prEUz nxrEtIv? Their oral history consists mostly of prose narrative . Prosaerzählung (die) non-verse literature !nOnv3"s *lItrEtSE? Non-verse literature is commonly called „prose“. verslose Literatur (die) to form sth. !fC"m? Prose forms a great part of Maori legends. hier: etw. ausmachen said to be sth. !sed? A few of these stories are said to be sacred. als etw. gelten sacred !*seIkrId? These stories are sacred to them. heilig moral lesson !*mOrl lesn? A few stories even have a moral lesson . Moral (die) to keep a promise !*prOmis? It’s important to keep one’s promises . ein Versprechen halten to catch one’s flight !flaIt? We need a little luck to catch our flight . seinen Flug erwischen relative !*relEtIv? My mum has got relatives in New Zealand. Verwandte (die), Verwandter (der) 6 pure !pjUE? Bungee jumping is pure excitement to me. rein, pur excitement !Ik*saItmEnt? She loves the excitement of skydiving. Aufregung (die) skydiving !*skaIdaIvIN? I would never go skydiving . Fallschirmspringen (das) kayaking !*kaIxkIN? We’re going kayaking next weekend. Kajakfahren (das) whale watching !*weIl wOtSIN? They went whale watching , but didn’t see a single whale. Walbeobachtung (die) absolute !*xbsElu"t? This is an absolute nightmare! absolut, total nightmare !*naItmeE? Skydiving is my personal nightmare . Albtraum (der) to be lucky !l0ki? You have to be lucky for whale watching. Glück haben 7 gerund !*dZerEnd? Complete the text with the gerund . Gerundium (das) fascinating !*fxsIneItIN? Learning about other cultures is fascinating . faszinierend real-life !rIEl *laIf? Documentaries can never replace a real-life experience. real, echt school system !*sku"l sIstEm? You will get to know a new school system . Schulsystem (das) 8 crown !kraUn? They founded settlements for the British crown . Krone (die), hier: Königshaus (das) treaty !tri"ti? The British signed a treaty with the Maori. Vertrag (der), Abkommen (das) ¯ 174 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv