Prime Time 4, Coursebook
Polynesia !pOli*ni"ZE? They came from islands in Polynesia near Tahiti. Polynesien (das) AD (anno domini) !eI*di"? Around 1000 AD , they came to the island. n. Chr. (nach Christus) species (pl. species) !*spi"Si"z? lots of these species have lost the ability to fly. Art (die), Spezies (die) to introduce sth. to sth. !IntrE*dZu"s? Other animals were introduced to the islands. hier: einführen, einschleppen flightless !*flaItles? The flightless birds had no chance to fight against them. flugunfähig to go down !gEU daUn? The number of birds went down . hier: sinken, fallen enemy !*enEmi? The birds couldn’t escape their enemies . Feind (der), Feindin (die) kiwi !ki"wi"? There are not a lot of wild kiwis left. hier: Kiwi (der) to remain !rI*meIn? Only 75,000 wild kiwis remain . hier: übrig bleiben, überleben 3 quantifier !*kwOntIfaIE? Complete the text with the correct quantifiers . Zahlwort (das) mythology !mI*TOlEdZi? The Maori have a rich mythology . Mythologie (die) crafts !krA"fts? They developed crafts and weapons. Kunsthandwerk (das) tribal !*traIbl? Tribal conflicts were common at that time. Stammes- conflict !*kOnflIkt? Maori had conflicts with Europeans. Konflikt (der) 4 wanderer !*wOndrE? They were a people of wanderers . hier: ein nicht sesshaftes Volk motherland !m0DElxnd? Across the sea lies Hawaiki, that wonderful motherland . Heimatland (das) ray !reI? There the sun’s rays glow from early dawn to sudden night. Strahl (der) to glow !glEU? The candle glowed in the dark. leuchten, scheinen dawn !dC"n? She woke up just before dawn . Morgendämmerung (die) sudden night !s0dn *naIt? They hadn’t expected such a sudden night . plötzlicher Nachteinbruch (der) glory !*glC"ri? They still tell of its remembered glories . Ruhm (der), Pracht (die) radiant !*reIdIEnt? They tell of its radiant sunshine and its flowers. strahlend white-topped mountains !waItOpt *maUntInz? She looked at the beautiful white-topped mountains . Berge mit schneebedeckten Gipfeln mighty stream !maIti *stri"m? This land has mighty streams . mächtiger Strom (der) age-old !eIdZ*EUld? Others say it must have been some age-old continent. uralt brave !breIv? The brave people were ready for adventure. mutig, kühn tropical !*trOpIkl? They sailed across tropical seas. tropisch coconut !*kEUkEn0t? The people set up their homes where the coconut grows. Kokosnuss (die) breadfruit !*bredfru"t? (pl.) Everyone ate coconuts and breadfruit . Brotfrucht (die) to boat !bEUt? They lived their lives swimming and boating . Boot fahren voyage !*vCIIdZ? We sometimes made long voyages into the seas. Reise (die), Seereise (die) carved !kA"vd? They made long voyages in their carved canoes. geschnitzt voyager !*vCIIDZE? One voyager returned with stories of a new land. Seereisender (der), Seereisende (die) to the south !tU DE *saUT? He could see a new land seen far to the south . südlich, im Süden overfull !*EUvEfUl? These islands here are already overfull . übervoll fairy tale !*feEri teIl? My favourite fairy tale is “Snow White”. Märchen (das) mystery !*mIstri? I read a lot of mystery novels. Krimi (der) drama !*drA"mE? Shakespeare wrote a lot of dramas . Drama (das) autobiography !C"tEbaI*OgrEfi? She has written her autobiography . Autobiografie (die) 173 one hundred and seventy-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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