Prime Time 4, Coursebook
to persuade sb. !pE*sweId? Persuade Charlie to continue writing his letters. jmdn. überzeugen, jmdn. überreden 7 moon landing !*mu"n lxndIN? I saw the moon landing on TV. Mondlandung (die) release !rI+li"s? The video’s release was in 1992. Veröffentlichung (die) astronaut !*xstrEnC"t? Luke dressed up as an astronaut . Astronaut (der) wise !waIz? She feels much wiser already. weise owl !aUl? I feel as wise as an owl . Eule (die) 8 cleaner !*kli"nE? A cleaner put a work of modern art in the bin. Reinigungskraft (die) modern art !mOdEn A"t? Some modern art looks like garbage. moderne Kunst (die) sculpture !*sk0lptSE? The sculpture was worth more than €800,000. Skulptur (die), Plastik (die) to drip !drIp? There was water dripping from the ceiling. tropfen artwork !*A"tw3"k? This artwork was created by Martin Kippenberger. Kunstwerk (das) wooden tower !wUdn taUE? It consisted of a bucket under a wooden tower . Holzturm to spray !spreI? The artist had sprayed paint inside the bucket. besprühen paint !peInt? The cleaner didn’t know it was paint . Farbe (die), Lack (der) brand new !brxnd *nju"? She decided to make it look brand new . nagelneu case !keIs? There have been a few other cases of artwork thought to be garbage. Fall (der) ashtray !*xStreI? He collected ashtrays for his artwork. Aschenbecher (der) coffee cup !*kOfi k0p? He arranged bottles and coffee cups on the floor. Kaffeebecher (der) untitled !0n*taItld? The artwork was left untitled . ohne Titel art critic !*A"t krItIk? He should be an art critic ! Kunstkritiker (der), Kunstkritikerin (die) New Zealand New Zealand !nju" *zi"lEnd? I want to visit New Zealand one day. Neuseeland (das) 1 South Pacific Ocean !saUT pEsIfIk *EUSn? New Zealand is an island in the South Pacific Ocean . Südpazifik (der) Asia !*eIZE? Have you ever been to a country in Asia ? Asien (das) Indonesia !IndEU*ni"Ze? Indonesia is the country closest to New Zealand. Indonesien (das) Oceania !EUSI*A"nIE? New Zealand is part of Oceania . Ozeanien (das) geographic region !dZIEgrxfIk *ri"dZn? Oceania is a geographic region . geografische Region (die) 2 Maori culture !maUri *k0ltSE? The Maori culture is respected in New Zealand. Maorikultur (die) separated !*seprEtId? The islands are separated by the “Cook Strait”. getrennt strait !streIt? The strait is a narrow area of sea. Meerenge (die) narrow !*nxrEU? There is a narrow area of sea between the islands. eng, schmal to link sth. !lINk? The strait links the two areas of New Zealand. etw. verbinden volcanic power !vOlkxnIk *paUE? The two main islands were created through volcanic power . vulkanische Kräfte (die) mountain peak !*maUntIn pi"k? It is the highest mountain peak in New Zealand. Berggipfel (der) to rise !raIz? Mount Cook rises to 3,754 meters. ragen, sich erheben informal !in*fC"ml? New Zealanders are also informally called “Kiwis”. familiär, informell countryside !*k0ntrIsaId? A lot of New Zealanders lived in the countryside . Land (das), Landschaft (die) population !popjE*leISn? Around 86% of the population lives in cities. Bevölkerung (die) canoe !kEnu"? The Maori arrived by canoe . Kanu (das) Unit 10 172 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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