Prime Time 4, Coursebook
beat !bi"t? Can you feel the beat of the music? Beat (der), Takt (der) self !self? New class, new self ! Selbst (das) to help oneself (to sth.) !*help w0nself? They help themselves to looks and styles. sich etw. nehmen, zugreifen look !lUk? I like your new look ! Aussehen (das), Look (der) goth !*gOT? Goth boy Jack is dressed in black. Grufti (der) good deed !gUd di"d? He says you should do a good deed . gute Tat (die) in need !In *ni"d? We must help those in need . bedürftig, in Not punk !p0Nk? Patricia is a punk . Punker (der), Punkerin (die) safety pin !*seIfti pIn? She wears safety pins in her ears. Sicherheitsnadel (die) cheeky grin !tSi"ki *grIn? He gave me a cheeky grin . freches Grinsen (das) to bother oneself with sth. !*bODE? She never bothers herself with rave and funk. sich über etw. Gedanken machen rave !reIv? I mostly listen to rave . Rave (der) funk !f0Nk? My favourite type of music is funk . Funk (der) punctual !*p0NktSUEl? She is a very punctual person. pünktlich to show up !SEU *0p? Patricia is always the first one to show up in class. erscheinen, auftauchen designer !dI*zaInE? She will probably be a designer . Designer (der), Designerin (die) sewing machine !*sEUIN? I use an old sewing machine . Nähmaschine (die) each other !i"tS *0TE? Claire and Giles respect each other . einander 5 flyer !*flaIE? I designed the flyer for the poetry slam. Flugblatt (das), Flyer (der) to criticise !*krItIsaIz? These poems criticise humans. etw. kritisieren to pollute !pE*lu"t? Humans pollute the earth. verschmutzen despite !dI*spaIt? Despite my bad singing, I love music. trotz whereas !weEr*xz? Whereas Luke had dressed up, Sean was wearing a suit. während, wohingegen even though !i"vn *DEU? Even though they destroyed his work of art, he was able to laugh about it. obwohl, wenn auch since !sIns? Since the party celebrated the moon landing, the DJ played “Man on the Moon”. hier: da, weil to contrast sth. !kEn*trA"st? With these expressions you can contrast ideas. etw. (einander) gegenüberstellen to put oneself first !pUt w0nself *f3"st? Katie’s so selfish, she always puts herself first . sich selbst an die erste Stelle setzen buffet !*bUfeI? Nobody seems to be responsible for the buffet . Buffet (das) 6 sophomore year !*sOfEmC" jIE? The sophomore year is the second year in US high school. zweites Jahr an der Highschool freshman year !*freSmEn jIE? The first year is called freshman year . erstes Jahr an der Highschool soon enough !su"n I*N0f? Things will be good soon enough . schon bald clique !kli"k? People stayed in their cliques during lunch break. Clique (die) to form !fC"m? After a few weeks, little cliques had formed . sich bilden drama club !*drA"mE kl0b? I am going to join drama club next year. Theatergruppe (die) art gallery !*A"t gxlEri? Let’s go to a few art galleries . Kunstgalerie (die) nerd !n3"d? The new kid in my class is a bit of a nerd . hier: Streber (der), Streberin (die) to emphasise !*emfEsaIz? How can you emphasise the subject? etw. betonen emphatic pronoun !Im*fxtIk prEUnaUn? Emphatic pronouns are a useful tool. betontes Personalpronomen (das) 171 one hundred and seventy-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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