Prime Time 4, Coursebook

a bunch of !b0ntS? Someone put a whole bunch of words on a sheet of magnet. hier: eine Menge (die), ein Haufen (der) sheet of magnet !Si"t Ev mxgnEt? You then cut the sheet of magnet into pieces. Magnetplatte (die) separate !*seprEt? The sheet is cut into separate pieces. einzeln, getrennt refrigerator !rI*frIdZreItE? You put the magnets on your refrigerator . Kühlschrank (der) Christmas Eve !krIsmEs *i"v? He wrote the letter before Christmas Eve . Heiliger Abend (der) self-expression !selfIk*spreSn? Charlie mentions three forms of self-expression . Selbstdarstellung (die) written language !*rItn lxNgwIdZ? The forms of self-expression are music, written language and fashion. Schriftsprache (die) suit !su"t? Sean was wearing a suit . Anzug (der) to arrange sth. !E*reIndZ? You arrange the words into poetry. etw. ordnen, etw. arrangieren choreography !kOrI*OgrEfi? We have to practise our choreography . Choreografie (die) to sew sth. !sEU? I sewed this dress myself. etw. nähen to doodle !*du"dl? She doodles in her notebook in class. kritzeln hand lettering !*hxnd letrIN? He’s gotten really good at hand lettering ! mit der Hand schreiben diary entry !*daIEri entri? I write a diary entry every day. Tagebucheintrag (der) visual arts !vIZUEl *A"ts? Visual arts are art forms such as painting, photography and architecture. bildende Künste (die) design !dI*zaIn? Design and architecture are both visual art forms. Design (das) 3 poetry slam !*pEUItri slxm? Read how poetry slams were started. Poetry-Slam (der) divorced !dI*vC"st? My parents got divorced when I was four. geschieden to find oneself somewhere !*faInd w0nself s0mweE? Mark and Sandy often found themselves at poetry readings. sich wo befinden poetry reading !*pEUItri? Have you been to a poetry reading before? Dichterlesung (die) to enjoy oneself !In*dZCI? They were trying to enjoy themselves . sich amüsieren dead !ded? Why does poetry feel dead ? tot In spite of this, … !spaIt? In spite of this , Mark’s love for poetry did not die. Trotz alledem, … prop !prOp? They used props , costumes and music. Requisite (die) to judge !dZ0dZ? The audience judged the performances. beurteilen, bewerten cheer !tSIE? There were cheers from the audience. Jubel (der), Beifallsruf (der) to be full of oneself !*fUl Ev w0nself? People don’t like it when poets are full of themselves . wichtigtuerisch sein to make oneself at home !meIk w0nself Et *hEUm? Don’t make yourself at home on the stage! es sich bequem machen to overstay your welcome !EUvE*steI? Don’t overstay your welcome on stage. die Gastfreundschaft überbeanspruchen to slam sb. (coll.) !slxm? the audience will slam you. jmdn. herunterputzen to hit a grand slam !*grxnd slxm? Try to hit a grand slam ! etwa: alles gewinnen (Anspielung auf Tennismeisterschaft) to rock the house !rOk DE? We’re going to rock the house ! das Haus zum Wackeln bringen reflexive pronoun !rIfleksIv *prEUnaUn? Highlight the reflexive pronouns in the text. Reflexivpronomen (das) practice makes perfect !prxktIs meIks *p3"fekt? Remember that practice makes perfect . Übung macht den Meister to introduce oneself to sb. !IntrE*dju"s? Would you like to introduce yourself to the artists? sich jmdm. vorstellen 4 rhythm !*rIDm? All you need is rhythm . Rhythmus (der), Takt (der) 170 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv