Prime Time 4, Coursebook
impact !*Impxkt? Food production has a huge impact on the environment. Auswirkung (die) to cause damage to sth. !kC"z *dxmIdZ? We try not to cause any damage to the environment. bei etw. Schaden anrichten production !prE*d0kSn? Read the text about sustainable production . Produktion (die) the UNO (United Nations Organization) !ju"en*EU? The UNO has worked out a plan. UNO (die) to address sth. !E*dres? We need to address the main problem. etw. ansprechen global challenges !glEUbl *tSxlIndZEz? The plan includes 16 goals which address global challenges . weltweite Herausforderungen (die) poverty !*pOvEti? This decision could lead to mass poverty . Armut (die) inequality !InI*kwOlEti? Women still face many inequalities in their daily lives. Ungleichheit (die) (natural) resources !natSrl rIzC"sEz? Our planet’s natural resources should be used sustainably. natürliche Ressourcen (die) intensively !In*tensIvli? Many natural resources are consumed intensively . intensiv soil !sCIl? This leads to problems such as soil pollution. Erde (die), Boden (der) agriculture !*xgrIk0ltSE? Climate change also affects agriculture . Landwirtschaft (die) processing !*prEUsesIN? We need to make changes in food processing . Verarbeitung (die) to influence sth./sb. !*InflUEns? We influence the environment with our food choices. etw./jmdn. beeinflussen eating habit !*i"tIN hxbIt? Consumers influence the environment with their eating habits . Essgewohnheit (die) Consequently, … !*kOnsIkwEntli? Consequently , the environment is affected by our choices. Folglich … to affect sth. !E*fekt? The environment is affected by waste production. beeinflussen food-related !*fu"drIleItId? Food-related energy consumption adds to climate change. nahrungsbezogen energy !*enEdZi? We should reduce our energy consumption. Energie (die) waste production !weIst prE*d0kSn? Our waste production is extremely high. Abfallerzeugung (die) to spoil !spCIl? The food spoiled and was thrown away. verderben, schlecht werden poor !pC"? The reason for this is poor transportation. hier: mangelhaft, dürftig harvesting practice !*hA"vIstIN prxktIs? Poor harvesting practices lead to food waste. Ernteverfahren (das) ton !t0n? Each year, we throw away 1.3 billion tons of food. Tonne (die) Interestingly, … !*intrestINli? Interestingly , about 2 billion people worldwide are overweight. Interessanterweise … at the same time !Et DE *seIm taIm? 2 billion people are overweight, but at the same time people die of hunger. gleichzeitig, trotzdem developing country !dI*velEpIN k0ntri? Thousands of people die of hunger, especially in developing countries . Entwicklungsland (das) food sector !*fu"d sektE? The food sector consumes a lot of energy. Lebensmittelsektor (der) responsible !rI*spOnsEbl? It is responsible for around 30% of the world’s total energy consumption. verantwortungsvoll, verantwortlich greenhouse gas emissions !*gri"nhaUs gxs ImISnz? Around 22% of all greenhouse gas emissions are produced by the food sector. Treibhausgasemissionen (die) to aim at sth. !eIm? Sustainable consumption and production aim at “doing more and better with less”. etw. zum Ziel haben 167 one hundred and sixty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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