Prime Time 4, Coursebook

9 hate speech !*heIt spi"tS? Ignore people who use hate speech . Hassrede (die), Hetzrede (die) to fight sth. !faIt? It’s very difficult to fight hate speech in Finland. etw. bekämpfen minority group !maI*nOrEti gru"p? Usually hate speech attacks people who belong to minority groups . Minderheit (die) without a doubt !wIDaUt E *daUt? This is without a doubt a great problem. zweiffellos, ohne Zweifel to increase !In*kri"s? The problem was increased by social media. zunehmen, sich verstärken anonymously !E*nOnImEsli? People can share their thoughts anonymously . anonym face to face !feIs tE feIs? Hate speech done face to face is harder than doing it online. persönlich to be the case !keIs? That’s actually not always the case . zutreffen, der Fall sein freedom of speech !fri"dEm Ev *spi"tS? We must fight for freedom of speech . Redefreiheit (die) to prevent sth. !prI*vent? It is important to prevent hate speech. etw. verhindern behaviour !bI*heIvjE? They probably learned this bad behaviour from their parents. Verhalten (das) to get involved !In*vOlvd? It is everybody’s job to get involved . mitmischen, sich auf etw. einlassen as such !Ez *s0tS? In Finland, hate speech is not a crime as such . eigentlich, an sich role model !*rEUl mOdl? Parents can be role models . Vorbild (das) illegal !I*i"gl? You can’t publish anything illegal on social media. illegal, rechtswidrig to tolerate sth. !*tOlreIt? We should definitely not tolerate hate speech. etw. tolerieren, etw. dulden online identity !OnlaIn aI*dentEti? It’s easy to hide behind an online identity . Online-Identität (die) Sustainability sustainability !sEsteInE*bIlEti? Our company is committed to environmental sustainability . Nachhaltigkeit (die) 1 sustainable !sE*steInEbl? Living a sustainable life is easier than you think. nachhaltig to reduce sth. !rI*dju"s? Reduce the length of your daily shower. etw. verringern, etw. verkürzen meat-based dish !mi"tbeIst *dIS? You could eat fewer meat-based dishes . Fleischgericht (das) locally produced goods !lEUkli prEdju"st *gUdz? How often do you buy locally produced goods ? lokal hergestellte Güter (die) 2 vegetarian !vedZE*teErIEn? How often do you eat vegetarian food? vegetarisch hardly ever !hA"dli *evE? I hardly ever go to big shopping malls. fast nie, selten (shopping) mall !*SOpIN mC"l? How often do you go to big shopping malls ? Einkaufszentrum (das) 3 to make a difference !meIk E *dIfrens? What and how we consume makes a difference . hier: etw. verändern, etw. bewegen effect !I*fekt? Food choices have an effect on the environment. Auswirkung (die) injustice !In*dZ0stIs? We want to fight injustice . Ungerechtigkeit (die) atmosphere !xtmEsfIE? The gas is sent into the atmosphere . Atmosphäre (die) consumption !kEn*s0mpSn? The consumption of energy has increased. Verbrauch (der) fairness !*feEnes? We want fairness and equality. Fairness (die), Gerechtigkeit (die) equality !I*kwOlEti? In many countries there is no equality yet. Gleichberechtigung, Gleichheit (die) emissions !i*mISnz? They are responsible for around 22% of all greenhouse gas emissions . hier: Emissionen (die) Unit 8 166 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv