Prime Time 4, Coursebook
5 to take action !teIk *xkSn? If something bad happens, take action to stop it. handeln, etw. unternehmen to be going on !gEUIN *On? A lot of activities go on around Europe on Data Protection Day. geschehen, passieren password manager !*pA"sw3"d mxnIdZE? Find out how to use a password manager . Passwort-Manager (der) character !*kxrEktE? The ideal password has 12 characters . hier: Zeichen (das) to be composed of !kEm*pEUzd Ev? The password should be composed of numbers, symbols and letters. sich aus etw. zusammensetzen to configure !kEn*fIgjE? Immediately configure the privacy settings on a new social media platform. etw. konfigurieren settings !*setINz? You can change the privacy settings here. Einstellungen (die) webinar !*webInA"? In our webinar you’ll learn about privacy settings. Webseminar (das) to navigate sth. !*nxvIgeIt? We’ll show you how to navigate through the privacy settings. hier: sich zurechtfinden to stop by !stOp *baI? Just stop by when you have the time. vorbeischauen, vorbeikommen to back up sth. !*bxk 0p? Backing up your data will keep it safe. etw. sichern in case !In keIs? Back up your data in case anything goes wrong. falls the cloud !klaUd? Store a copy of your data on the cloud . Cloud (die) external device !Ik*st3"nl? You could store your data on an external device . externes Gerät (das) mindful !*maIndfEl? Be mindful of the apps you install. achtsam, aufmerksam to install sth. !in*stC"l? Don’t install apps you don’t trust. etw. installieren a number of !E *n0mbEr Ev? There are a number of criminal apps trying to steal your data. etliche criminal !*krImInl? Criminal apps collect people’s personal data. kriminell financial information !faI*nxnSl InfEmeISn? They often also collect your financial information . Finanzdaten (die) even if … !*i"vn If? Even if an app is free, you pay for it with your information. selbst wenn open to sb. !EUpn? The event is open to anyone. für jmdn. zugänglich possibility !pOsE*bIlEti? Use modal verbs to express a possibility . Möglichkeit (die) 6 civil courage !sIvl *k0rIdZ? Civil courage means not to look away if something bad happens. Zivilcourage (die) courageous !kE*reIdZEs? Courageous people take action … mutig to risk sth. !rIsk? … even if they risk personal disadvantages. etw. riskieren hate !heIt? Students were asked about their experience with hate online. Hass (der) violence !vaIElEns? Have you experienced online violence yourself? Gewalt (die) hate comment !*heIt kOment? Have you ever seen hate comments on social media? Hasskommentar (der) several !*sevrl? I use social media several times per week. einige, ein paar 7 violent language !vaIElEnt *lxNgwIdZ? You mustn’t use violent language against someone else. gewalttätige Ausdruckweise (die) 8 to brainstorm !*breInstC"m? Brainstorm with a partner how the story continues. ein Brainstorming machen ending !*endIN? Invent an ending to the story. Ende (das) bully (pl. bullies) !*bUli"? How do the bullies react to the post? jmd., der/die andere einschüchtert, bedroht oder verletzt at all !Et *C"l? Why has the boy posted the comment at all ? überhaupt 165 one hundred and sixty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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