Prime Time 4, Coursebook
to hand sth. to sb. !hxnd? Hand the phone back to your dad. jmdm. etw. reichen after all !A"ftEr *C"l? The message is about you after all . schließlich, immerhin particularly !pE*tIkjElEli? You want to share a particularly good photo. besonders to do sth. anyway !*eniweI? I’ll share the photo anyway . etw. trotzdem machen to agree !Egri"? Don’t share it if you don’t both agree . sich einig sein/werden to convince sb. !kEn*vIns? I convinced my friend to post the photo. jmdn. überzeugen to access sth. !xk*ses? The app wants to access the tablet’s camera. auf etw. zugreifen to select sth. !sI*lekt? Select “no” and find out if the app still works. etw. auswählen 2 filter bubble !*fIltE b0bl? Websites put us into a so-called filter bubble . Filterblase (die) to surf the internet !s3"f? When I surf the internet , I always see ads. im Internet surfen to monitor !*mOnItE? Websites monitor how you use them. überwachen, beobachten to place sth. somewhere !pleIs? They place little files on your device. etw. irgendwohin setzen/stellen/legen (browser) cookies !*kUkiz? Those little files on your device are called cookies . (Browser-)Cookies (die) to personalise sth. !*p3"sEnElaIz? The site will personalise the content. etw. persönlicher gestalten according to !E*kC"dIN tU? It personalises the content according to the information from your last visit. hier: entsprechend, gemäß to support a team !sE*pC"t? Some of my friends support Liverpool. ein Team unterstützen final !*faInl? The football final is next week. hier: Endspiel (das), Finale (das) (news)feed !*nju"zfi"d? They have almost disappeared from my newsfeed . Newsfeed (der/das) 3 search engine !*s3"tS endZIn? Always use your favourite search engine . Suchmaschine (die) to track sth. !trxk? Many search engines track your history. etw. verfolgen history !*hIstri? This search engine doesn’t track your history . hier: Verlauf to scroll !skrC"l? Scroll through someone else’s social network feed. scrollen to filter sth. !*fIltE? Try a search engine that doesn’t filter content. etw. filtern modal verb !mEUdl *v3"b? Use the modal verbs from the grammar box. Modalverb (das) recommendation !rekEmen*deISn? Use modal verbs to give recommendations . Empfehlung (die), Rat (der) effort !*efEt? I want to thank you for your effort . Mühe (die), Bemühung (die) to appreciate sth. !E*pri"SieIt? I really appreciate your ideas. etw. zu schätzen wissen 4 to be aware of sth. !E*weE? They want to make people aware of privacy. sich einer Sache bewusst sein to secure sth. !sI*kJUE? You should secure your personal information. etw. absichern, etw. schützen data protection !*deItE prEtekSn? Data protection is important to our company. Datenschutz (der) to save sth. !seIv? Find out how they save your personal data. etw. sichern, etw. speichern personal data !p3"snl *deItE? We show you how to secure your personal data . persönliche Daten (die) sensitive data !sensItIv *deItE? Sensitive data get special protection. vertrauliche Daten (die) relationship !rI*leISnSIp? I want to keep my relationships private. Beziehung (die) to process data !prEUses? Your data is processed automatically. Daten verarbeiten to warn sb. of sth. !wC"n? They warned us of sharing private information. jmdn. vor etw. warnen European Union (EU) !jUErEpi"En *ju"njEn? The European Union has rules about personal data and privacy. Europäische Union (die) convention !kEn*venSn? When was Convention 108 made? Abkommen (das) thanks to sth. !TxNks? Thanks to this, people are very well informed about data protection. dank, wegen 164 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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