Prime Time 4, Coursebook
unscripted material !0nskrIptId mE*tIErIEl? Many vloggers provide unscripted material . improvisiertes Material follower !*fOlEUE? Top YouTubers have got millions of followers . Follower (der), Followerin (die) influencer !*InflUEnsE? Influencers can become very successful. Influencer (der), Influencerin (die); jmd. der Einfluss auf andere hat brand !brxnd? Big brands want to advertise with influencers. Marke (die) to realise sth. !*rIElaIz? They have realised the importance of advertising. sich einer Sache bewusst werden to advertise with sb. !*xdvEtaIz? They want to advertise with influencers. mit jmdm. werben rather !*rA"TE? They started with rather simple video blogs. hier: ziemlich, recht everyday !*evrideI? Teenagers write about their everyday life. alltäglich, Alltags- frequency !*fri"kwEnsi? The frequency of vlogs can vary. Häufigkeit (die), Frequenz (die) mainly !*meInli? Their content is mainly unscripted. hauptsächlich throughout !*Tru"*aUt? Videos have become better throughout the last few years. während, hindurch celebrity !sE*lebrEti? Influencers have replaced traditional celebrities . Berühmtheit (die), Star (der) to replace sb./sth. !rI*pleIs? These online influencers have replaced celebrities in many areas. jmdn./etw. ersetzen digital !dIdZItl? Do you have any digital friends? digital top !tOp? Who are the top influencers of our time? Spitzen-, beste/bester/bestes 8 to make money (from sth.) !meIk *m0ni? Most YouTube stars make money from online advertisements. (mit etw.) Geld verdienen brand deals !*brxnd di"lz? Work with companies and get brand deals . Geschäfte mit Markenfirmen sponsored !*spOnsEd? Their videos are sponsored by companies. gesponsert merchandise !*m3"tSndaIz? Some sell their own merchandise . Handelsware (die) secret !*si"krEt? So, what’s their secret ? Geheimnis (das) active audiences !xktIv *C"dIEnsEz? Well, YouTube stars have built active audiences . aktive Zuschauer (die), aktive Zuschauerinnen (die) consumer !kEn*su"mE? With them, you know what you get as a consumer . Konsument (der), Konsumentin (die) Play IT safe to play it safe !seIf? We should play it safe and check again. auf Nummer sicher gehen 1 to receive !rI*si"v? You received a message from a school friend. erhalten, bekommen straight away !streIt E*weI? Send the phone number straight away . sofort, gleich to check with sb. !tSek? Check with the other person first. bei jmdm. nachfragen to sign up for sth. !saIn *0p? I signed up for a new online game. sich bei etw. anmelden form !fC"m? The form asks you to submit your full name. Formular (das) to submit sth. !sEb*mIt? Please submit your full name and address. etw. absenden, etw. einreichen rude !ru"d? He made a rude comment about a friend. unhöflich, unfreundlich to stand up for sb. !stxnd *0p? Do you stand up for your friend? sich für jmdn. einsetzen screenshot !*skri"nSOt? Take a screenshot and send it to your friend. Screenshot (der) to reply to sth. !rI*plaI? Reply to the message immediately. etw. beantworten publicly !*p0blIkli? Should I post the picture publicly online? öffentlich sender !*sendE? Who is the sender of this message? Absender (der), Absenderin (die) to teach sb. a lesson !*lesn? We should teach them a lesson . jmdm. eine Lehre erteilen Unit 7 163 one hundred and sixty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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