Prime Time 4, Coursebook
virtual !*v3"tSUEl? Blogs can keep your virtual world well organised. virtuell organised !*C"gEnaIzd? Keep your virtual world organised . geordnet, organisiert to have a chance to do sth. !tSA"ns? Students have the chance to express their opinion. eine Möglichkeit haben, etw. zu tun to have your voice heard !hEv jE *vCIs h3"d? Blogs are a great way to have your voice heard . Gehör bekommen, ein Mitsprache recht haben The list goes on !DE lIst gEUz *On? Die Liste ist lang! to take in sth. !teIk *In? Always taking in information isn’t an ideal way to learn. etw. aufnehmen ideal !aI*dIEl? What is the ideal way to learn? ideal space !speIs? We need space to think about things. Platz (der), Raum (der) to process !*prEUses? We need space to process . verstehen, verarbeiten a sense of sth. !sens? They can develop a sense of understanding. ein Gefühl für etw. understanding !0ndE*stxndIN? Some people have no understanding of what is important for other people. Verständnis (das) tolerance !*tOlrEns? We have no tolerance for hate comments. Toleranz (die) to improve !Im*pru"v? Writing blogs in class can improve your skills. verbessern multimedia !m0ltI*mi"dIE? Multimedia blogs usually contain videos. Multimedia-, multimedial 6 vlog (video blog) !vlOg? What’s the history behind vlogs ? Vlog (der) to sb.’s surprise !s3"*praIz? To many people’s surprise , “vlogging” is not new. zu jemandes Überraschung term !t3"m? The term has been used since the early 2000s. Begriff (der), Ausdruck (der) vlogging !*vlOgIN? Vlogging is similar to blogging. Vloggen (das) revolution !revlu"Sn? It was the beginning of the YouTube revolution . Revolution (die) However, … !haU*EvE? However , all you need is a phone. Allerdings … to catch up with sth. !kxtS *0p wID? Phones have caught up with the vlogging generation. jmdn. einholen generation !dZenE*reISn? Are you part of the vlogging generation ? Generation (die) every single year !evri sINgl *jIE? Smartphones have got better every single year . jedes Jahr, Jahr für Jahr within !wID*In? You can include the video within a post. innerhalb vlogger !*vlOgE? In fact, many bloggers have become vloggers . Vlogger (der), Vloggerin (die) setting !*setIN? Vloggers record videos in a prepared setting . Rahmen (der), Umgebung (die) in public !In *p0blIk? They record this kind of video in public . in der Öffentlichkeit style !staIl? Decide on the style of your blog. Stil (der) to vary !*veEri? The topic of a vlog can vary . variieren, verschieden sein sub-type !*s0btaIp? There are many sub-types of videos. Untertyp (der) to feature sth. !*fi"tSE? A vlog is a blog which features video content. etw. zeigen, etw. beinhalten endless !*endlEs? The list of vlogs is practically endless . endlos gaming !geImIN? One of the biggest genres on YouTube is gaming . Gamen (das), Zocken (das) to focus on sth. !*fEUkEs? Gaming vlogs focus on a person playing a game. sich auf etw. konzentrieren gameplay !*geImpleI? The gamers let others watch the gameplay . Spielablauf (der) No way. !nEU *weI? Ausgeschlossen. Auf keinen Fall. 7 self-made !self*meId? These teenagers are self-made superstars. selbstgeschaffen superstar !*su"pEstA"? She was already a superstar at a very young age. Superstar (der) to provide sth. !prE*vaId? It’s important to provide good material. etw. zur Verfügung stellen authentic !C"*TentIk? Viewers want the vloggers to be authentic . authentisch ! 162 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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