Prime Time 4, Coursebook

structure !*str0ktSE? Look at the structure of the text. Struktur (die), Aufbau (der) choice !tSCIs? Read the definitions and tick your choice . Wahl (die), Entscheidung (die) aspect !*xspekt? A paragraph deals with one aspect . Aspekt (der), Gesichtspunkt (der) 4 to get sth. started !stA"tId? Let’s get this blog started . mit etw. beginnen to promote sth. !prE*mEUt? You should promote your blog. hier: für etw. werben automatically !C"tE*mxtIkli? If you promote your blog, you automatically get more readers. automatisch to multiply sth. !*m0ltIplaI? Sharing the link with friends automatically multiplies your readers. etw. vermehren, etw. vervielfachen to customise sth. !*k0stEmaIz? You can customise your blog quite easily. etw. individuell anpassen administrator !Ed*mInIstreItE? Go to the administrator area. Administrator/-in (der/die) layout !*leIaUt? You can change your layout with a few clicks. Layout (das) click !klIk? Make a few clicks to customise your blog. Klick (der) to pick sth. !pIk? Pick a good blog name. etw. auswählen, etw. aussuchen catchy !*kxtSi? A good blog name should be catchy . eingängig, einprägsam domain extension !dE*meIn IkstenSn? You need to choose a domain extension . Domainendung (die) to get sth. up and running !0p En *r0nIN? To get your blog up and running , you need two things. etw. zum Laufen bringen blog hosting !*blOg hEUstIN? For your blog, you need blog hosting . Blog-Hosting (das) blog host !*blOg hEUst? The blog host stores all the files for your blog. Blogbetreiber (der) to store sth. !stC"? The companies store all your files. etw. speichern, etw. lagern to deliver sth. !dI*lIvE? They then deliver the files to the user. etw. liefern, etw. zustellen user !ju"zE? The users will find your blog more easily. User (der), Userin (die) to type in sth. !taIp? To find your blog, they type in your blog name. etw. eintippen to publish sth. !*p0blIS? Write and publish your first post. etw. veröffentlichen default post !dI*fC"lt pEUst? This is a default post you don’t need. voreingestellt, Standard- 5 to blog – blogged – blogged !blOg? !blOgd? Why should teachers blog ? bloggen hub !h0b? Your blog will become your online hub . Basis (die), Zentrum (das) digital footprint !dIdZItl *fUtprInt? When you post things online, you leave a digital footprint . digitaler Fußabdruck (der) social skills !sEUSl skIlz? Team activities help you develop your social skills . soziale Kompetenzen confidence !*kOnfIdns? Writing a blog will give you confidence . Selbstvertrauen (das), Selbstbewusstsein (das) ICT skills !aIsi"*ti" skIlz? You don’t need special ICT skills to create a blog. IuK-Kompetenzen thinking !*TINkIN? Writing regularly develops thinking . Denken (das) reflection !rI*flekSn? Blogging can be a great way to practise reflection . Nachdenken (das), Reflexion (die) classroom community !*klA"sru"m kEmju"nEti? Class projects build classroom community . Klassengemeinschaft (die) authenticity !C"Ten*tIsEti? Give your blog authenticity by talking about yourself. Echtheit (die), Authentizität (die) global !*glEUbl? You will make many global connections. weltweit, global purposeful !*p3"pEsfl? Make your blog purposeful and productive. zweckdienlich, sinnvoll productive !prE*d0ktIv? I’m more productive in the afternoon. produktiv bits and pieces !bIts En *pi"sEz? You put all the bits and pieces you create onto a blog. Sachen (die) 161 one hundred and sixty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Ver ags öbv